16 Dating Disasters That Completely Went Off The Rails And Will Leave You Speechless

Recently Reddit user captainmadrick asked the community, "People who discovered a deal-breaker part way through a date, what was the rest of the date like?"

Jennifer Aniston on "Friends"

Welp, amid the majorrrrrr red flags, there were some deeply shocking and horrible dates people went through. Like, these folks are truly warriors for surviving such baffling experiences.

Erika Alexander in "Living Single"

So, here are some of the worst dates people have ever been on:

Note: Some submissions were pulled from this Reddit thread by user SugarAndSpice89.

Note: Some submissions include subjects of domestic abuse. Please proceed with caution.

1."I was on a casual date in a park with a guy I had never met before. Everything was going fine, but then he suddenly stopped me, looked at me all wide-eyed, and said, 'I’m going to shit my pants.' We then walked to a Starbucks so he could, and I sat there for around 20 minutes. He Snap-Chatted me a photo of him from the bathroom sitting on the toilet, the kind of side-top angle where I could see his ass cheeks, balls, and all. I called my dad to drive me home 😭."


2."I went on a date with a man who I met through a dating app. I quickly found out that he lied about his age — he was actually 10 years older than me, and he was recently divorced. He then took me to a gentleman’s club 30 minutes away. He kept saying, 'You’re like a sister [to me]' on the way there while stroking my leg because of how 'awesome I was' to agree to go see strippers with him. After the show, he drove us back drunk and speeding in his convertible. He was messaging other women on the dating app at the same time. He ended the night by saying, 'So I’ll be hearing from you again? Because I’m such a cool guy, and dates with me are the best.'"


Close-up of a person’s hand holding a cellphone with heart notification icons, suggesting engagement on a dating app, and holding a coffee cup
D3sign / Getty Images

3."Once, this date explicitly told me after I ordered my first drink that he wouldn't pay for my drinks unless I went home and slept with him after. I didn't drink any of my drink, immediately went to the bathroom, and I had to pass him on the way out, so I went up to him and told him I was leaving. He then proceeded to try to walk me to my car..."


4."We met up to play pool at a local joint. We had a couple of conversations prior to this. We met on a dating app, but didn't have any 'kink' information in our bios. He arrives and IMMEDIATELY goes into some non-consensual sub/dom role play where he was the sub and expected me to partake in being his 'mommy dom.' I told him to sit and wait like a 'good boy' until I came back from taking a smoke break. I bailed and blocked him. I wonder how long he waited — I am 100% not kink-shaming anyone, but that is NOT how you go about that kind of thing."


A person wearing a studded leather choker and harness is focused in the foreground, while a person in the background is seated, partially visible, possibly wearing lingerie
Howard Kingsnorth / Getty Images

5."I didn’t even get to the restaurant before he closed all the windows, locked them, then ripped ass worse than I ever heard before. I got out of the car at a red light and called my sister to pick me up."


6."I went on a date with this girl to get ice cream tacos (ice cream in waffle shells). Since we both didn't drive, we went on the train and bus and walked about an hour to get there. Throughout this date, all she did was talk about her ex. Like, usually I'll expect a couple of offhand reports on exes, but this was nonstop throughout the hour-long walk. When we got there, the ice cream was great (well worth $40), but the real horror story happened on the way home."

"This was a couple of years ago, so I had no idea I was lactose intolerant. About an hour on the train back, my stomach started getting queasy. I practically hopped off the train and ran down the train station as she looked on in horror. She had no idea why I was booking it.

I ran up the stairs, but I already felt it dripping out of me. I asked someone who worked in a rich restaurant where the washroom was. When I got to the washroom, it all came out.

She texted me, 'Why did you run away?' I said I needed to use the washroom real bad. Regardless of what I said, she didn't believe me. I took the underwear and threw it in the garbage."


7."So, the guy stated he didn't have kids (this had been discussed ahead of time). I told him that I'm a young student and definitely child-free and intend to remain that way. Then he springs on me that he does have kids! He had lied so I'd go on a date and then be trapped. I tell him that this is a dealbreaker, as I am not in that part of my life where I'd consider being a stepparent, dealing with a partner's custody arrangements, or with their ex. He then tells me, 'How bold of you to assume that my kids are in any shape or form important in my life.' I told him, 'Okay, so you're telling me you're a 'deadbeat' dad? That's even worse.' I left and cut contact with him. He tried contacting me again, being indignant and telling me that people never give single parents a chance. I didn't argue. I just blocked him and reported him."


A man and woman are standing close together outside, both wearing casual jackets. They appear to be having an emotional conversation
Miniseries / Getty Images

8."We matched on a dating app, and he kept messaging me persistently, but he seemed like a nice guy. So he picked me up and took me to a decent sushi place. The actual dinner went fine, aside from him being VERY nervous and visibly sweating. As he drove me home, he continually asked if he could come up to my room with me and literally professed his love for me. By the time we got to my building, I was ready to book it as fast as possible into the entrance door, which would lock behind me and he would be unable to enter without a key. This dude was literally screaming, 'I love you, please let me in!!!' as I politely but quickly went inside I blocked him immediately."


9."The immediate red flag was she told me she had no money, and then she ordered the most expensive beer on the list. Halfway through the date, she said she came from her ex-boyfriend's house ('but don't worry, it's not like I sucked his dick or anything'). I finished my drink and excused myself to the bathroom. I tracked down our waitress and paid for our drinks. When I returned to the table I told her I didn't think this was going to work out and left. The double whammy of using me and being crass did me in."


10."Halfway through dinner, she asked me if I was religious. Then she asked me if I would consider converting, and I said no. I spent the rest of the date trying to explain why I didn't need religion in my life, and she took everything I said as a 'sign.' A sign of what? Who knows. Finally, I tried to find a good excuse to end the date, and the best thing I could come up with was, 'I have to go grocery shopping.' She then followed me to the grocery store."


Hands holding a rosary with a crucifix, palms together in a praying position, inside a church setting
Fangxianuo / Getty Images

11."We met at a restaurant, and she brought a friend with her who proceeded to sit and watch us from a couple of tables away. The whole time I tried to make small talk with this woman, but her friend was watching us like she was some secret service agent protecting the president. We finished the meal and payment and I just shook her hand and said 'thanks.' I walked to the exit and said 'bye' to her friend. A month later, I get a text from the girl apologizing and asking if I wanted to go out again. Negative."


12."It was a blind date through a friend of a friend. He did NOT STOP TALKING the entire time. Didn’t ask me one question. I just sat there mentally playing my favorite songs in my head until the bill came. Because I’m a nice person and thought he might be nervous, I gave him another chance. The same thing happened over the phone. I fell asleep for 15 minutes, and when I woke up, he was still talking. We did not meet up again."


13."He told me his mom would love me and bake me cookies while we robbed banks. When I decided to leave, he insisted on holding my hand as I walked out and tried to kiss me, but I dodged. He threw my hand at me and walked away with a loud scoff."

"I thank my lucky stars I wasn’t assaulted that night. The guy weighed easily twice as much as me and had such big muscles that some dude walking into the bar behind us and said, 'Damn, dude, I played college ball, and I haven’t seen calves that big.' I had no idea that happened in real life, but his calves were truly massive."


A man leans in to kiss a woman who looks uncomfortable and pushes him away. They are outdoors on a stone-paved street
Stock-eye / Getty Images/iStockphoto

14."First time going on a date through a dating app while in college, thought we might have been moving a bit fast. Anyways, fast forward to when we were meeting in person. She was talking about her ex so much because they had just broken up a month ago, and it turns out they were (and still were) roommates. She also dated and broke up with her other roommate. These two breakups went so badly that she almost got kicked out of her apartment."

"I stuck it out and the rest of the date included walking through an arboretum so that she could finish her extra credit assignment for a class. Two hours later, she said that she had a biology exam, so she needed to run off to that.

We exchanged social media accounts and I only saw her again briefly at graduation. Weirdest date ever, but I stuck it out because it seemed like she just really needed someone to vent to."


15."On the second date we went to a sports bar (her suggestion), and we were getting along. She said she saw some friends she knew at the bar and would be right back. The food came, and she wasn't back. Well, I was watching a game, so I wasn't really paying attention to the time. Halftime came, and she wasn't back. I looked over and she was having a grand time with friends. I snapped out of it and looked at the time, and it must have been 45 minutes since she had gone over. Her food was cold, so I figured it was time to go. I had her food boxed up, paid the bill, and left. I never heard from her again."


16.And finally, "I met this girl on Tinder, was very chatty and flirty online, and arranged to meet for drinks and a meal. We met up, and she arrived 30 minutes late. The chatty and flirty person I'd been talking to just wasn't there at all. She had short, curt answers and was CONSTANTLY on her phone. I felt like I was doing all the heavy lifting with the conversation. We sat at our table, and we were about to order, and she leaned over and said, 'Oh, you got this right?' I'm not averse to paying for a first date, but to have it put so bluntly pissed me off, considering how poor the conversation was. She proceeded to order the most expensive items on the menu and a large cocktail for herself, all the while I was trying to make conversation and get to know her. When she was on her phone, I peered over and saw what she was doing: She was on Tinder right in front of me, messaging other guys while on our first date."

"I saw red — I refused to be treated like that by anyone. I excused myself to go the bathroom and surreptitiously whipped my jacket off the back of my chair while going. I went to our waiter and explained what had happened, and he was like, 'Oh, man, I'm sorry to hear that.'

I paid for my drink and tipped him for being so helpful, I canceled my order but told him to keep her order in place. He smiled and said, 'I know what you're doing...good luck to you!' Then I left.

15 minutes later, my phone was getting message after message from her asking where the hell I was, that she hadn't her purse on her, etc. I blocked her, went off to a pub and called a mate to meet me to rescue the night with beer and laughing over the situation. One of the worst, but definitely memorable dates."


A woman and a man sit on a bench while looking at their phones
Motortion / Getty Images

Note: Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.