16 Weather Photos I Find Almost As Interesting And Amazing As My Meteorological Crush, Jim Cantore

16 Weather Photos I Find Almost As Interesting And Amazing As My Meteorological Crush, Jim Cantore

Last week, I asked the BuzzFeed Community to share the best amateur weather photos they had on their phones. I am a sucker for cool clouds, so here are my favorite.

1.This pink rainbow during sunset in Vancouver, BC taken by justpeachy.

City skyline with a rainbow and sunset clouds
justpeachy / Via buzzfeed.com

2.This sunset setting the opposite way in Limpopo, South Africa, taken by AlexT.

Sun setting behind hills with a bright sky indicating the end of the day
AlexT / Via buzzfeed.com

3.This lightning that gave a big ol' middle finger to the happy rainbow submitted by Hsin Pai.

Lightning bolt striking near a rainbow and trees under a stormy sky
Hsin Pai

4.This wall cloud creeping over (what I assume to be) a great lake taken in Cleveland, OH by Jennakam.

Imposing shelf cloud over the ocean horizon with a visible sky above
Jennakam / Via buzzfeed.com

5.This rainbow that LITERALLY ENDED in seaChel's backyard that, TBH, I'd snap a photo of, too.

Rainbow arching over a terrain with a metal fence and scattered toys on ground
seachels / Via buzzfeed.com

6.This swirling snow vortex situation we've got right here captured by ❣️ISLANDMISS❣️ in New York.

Bright light illuminates clouds at night, with Snapchat interface visible
❣️ISLANDMISS❣️ / Via buzzfeed.com

7.These drippy and trippy clouds over New Mexico taken by crispyraptor54.

Sky with unique cloud formation resembling bubble wrap texture over a landscape with trees and buildings
crispyraptor54 / Via buzzfeed.com

8.This photo by sillycloud91 that captures the moment lightning struck a tree across the lake in Keuka Lake, NY.

View from a covered deck showing lightning striking over a lake with boats and docks
sillycloud91 / Via buzzfeed.com

9.This dooming sky taken by kat24601 with no filters of the 2016 fires that makes the building look like it's photoshopped in.

Orange-hued sky over residential street with palm trees and buildings
kat24601 / Via buzzfeed.com

10.These perfectly spaced icicles captured by originalcaptain47 in southern Maine after a snowstorm.

Sun shining over a snow-covered landscape with a wooden fence and trees
originalcaptain47 / Via buzzfeed.com

11.This absolute banger of a sunset that looks like Mother Nature used all of her red paint taken by catsarefriendshaped❤️ in San Diego, CA.

Silhouette of a cat against a vibrant sunset sky with palm trees
catsarefriendshaped❤️ / Via buzzfeed.com

12.This cloud's color that looks like it didn't finish loading, taken by chelseasutton89.

Cumulus cloud illuminated by sunset above a building
chelseasutton89 / Via buzzfeed.com

13.This rainbow cloud spotted by loispetitt18 in Kent, UK that looks like a dragon's eye.

A blurry scene with a faint rainbow above silhouetted trees
loispetitt18 / Via buzzfeed.com

14.This double rainbow (because you can never have too much rainbow) caught by Dazed in Colorado Springs, CO.

Double rainbow over a cityscape with cloudy skies
Dazed / Via buzzfeed.com

15.This picture taken by Abbie witnessing a cloud double helix-ing and being a little silly.

Sky with unusual cloud formation resembling a vertical swirl above tree silhouettes
Abbie / Via buzzfeed.com

16.This very even cloud cover over Evansville, Indiana taken by chelseasutton89.

Dramatic storm clouds gather over a landscape with buildings on the horizon
chelseasutton89 / Via buzzfeed.com

In the words of Bill Nye, science rules! If you have a cool weather photo, please, make my day a little cloudier and drop it in the comments below!