15 Times People Found Something Strange, And The Internet Helped Identify It

If you ever find something and have no idea what it is, never fear: the internet has answers. On the subreddit r/whatisthisthing, there's an unending stream of people who seem to be able to identify just about anything you can imagine. Here are 15 interesting things people found recently, along with what they turned out to be.

1.These five identical, thin wooden planks with 3 level steps:

Five thin pieces of wood with stepped edges are laid out on the floor. A hand is touching the leftmost piece

2.These pieces of black corrugated plastic with a fabric cover in the Gower peninsula:

Two black corrugated sheets labeled "SU-5" lie on grassy ground outdoors

3.This metal hatch in a garden in south Wales attached to a neighbor's wall:

Two side-by-side photos show a small, rusty metal door on an exterior wall. A window and broom are visible in the second photo

4.This heavy metal bar with the word 'Puritan' stamped into it, found in the basement of an old New England home:

Gloved hands holding a metal bar engraved with the word "Puritan."

5.This rusty old thing found in a river in central France:

A person holds up a vintage, ornate medal featuring a soldier and the text "AJAX" on the front, with a blurred outdoor background

6.A solid, white material contained in a lipstick tube:

On the left is a white lipstick-shaped object. On the right, what appears to be a  covered lipstick tube

7.This metal triangle, about two inches long on each side:

Triangular metal gauge tool labeled "Microns" with various measurements hanging from a keyring attached to a dark handle on a wooden surface

8.A 6" round metal ball found about a foot under the sand at Yaupon Beach in Oak Island, North Carolina:

A person holds a weathered, barnacle-encrusted cannonball found on a beach, with a metal detector and shovel visible in the background

9.This weird folding mirror that seems to only reflect upside down:

Hand holding a clamshell-shaped red accessory that opens to reveal mirrors

10.This giant windowsill outside of someone's kitchen window:

A red-brick wall with a window and an overhanging brown box covers the window's lower portion. Trees are visible in a reflection in the window

11.A numbered thumb tack that was nailed into a window frame:

A small, round, rusty thumbtack with a bent point is shown from different angles on a white surface; there is an "8" on the top

12.This heavy round object found in a creek in central Ohio:

A hand holds a dark, round object over a cluttered desk with papers, books, and a pen holder in the background

13.This wooden box that holds three small containers:

Three circular, metallic objects of varying sizes featuring engraved designs and text on a wooden surface
Three circular, metallic objects of varying sizes featuring engraved designs and text on a wooden surface
A small, rectangular wooden box with two brass latches is placed on a wooden surface next to a
A small, rectangular wooden box with two brass latches is placed on a wooden surface next to a
A small, open wooden box with three circular compartments. Two of the compartments contain metal objects with engraved designs
A small, open wooden box with three circular compartments. Two of the compartments contain metal objects with engraved designs

u/bassebasebase / Via reddit.com

"It's a Chrismatory. Per the Modern Catholic Dictionary: A three-compartment vessel for each of the three holy oils: chrism, oil of catechumens, and oil of the sick.

The vessel is often inscribed with the Latin abbreviation for each holy oil: SC (sacrum chrisma), OS (oleum sanctum) or OC (oleum catechumenorum), and OI (oleum infirmorum)."


14.This 18-inch tall heavy metal item featuring a round piece of glass:

Rusty metal object partially buried in dirt, appearing to be an old, weathered iron with a large round glass panel on top. Background features tree roots and wooden planks

15.And finally, this cast iron plaque found in the doorway of an apartment closet in Oakland, California:

Close-up of a metal patent plaque from January 1912 to April 1916 on the base of a wooden structure, with part of a cardboard box and clothing visible nearby

So, I have to ask: have you ever seen any of these items before, and do you think you'd have been able to identify any of them at first glance? Let us know in the comments! Oh, and if you'd like to check out some more random items identified by the internet, take a look here.

Note: comments have been edited for length and clarity.