15 Actors Who Called Out A Costar For Being So Rude, They Likely Won't Work Together Again

Actors spend a lot of time with their costars, especially when they work together for a long time or film far away from home. Some even meet their best friend on set.

game of thrones costars in car

However, when an actor decides to be rude or mean to their costars, their costars can develop a grudge against them that they hold onto for years.

Here are 15 times actors called out their costars for their rude behavior on set:

1.On the second day of filming Kramer vs. Kramer, while they were shooting the opening scene, Dustin Hoffman improvised by slapping Meryl Streep across the face. He also tried to use "emotional recall" on her by taunting her about her late partner, John Cazale, and his cancer.

closeup of the two in the movie

In 2018, Meryl told the New York Times, "This is tricky because when you're an actor, you're in a scene, you have to feel free. I'm sure that I have inadvertently hurt people in physical scenes. But there's a certain amount of forgiveness in that. But this was my first movie, and it was my first take in my first movie, and he just slapped me. And you see it in the movie. It was overstepping. But I think those things are being corrected in this moment. And they're not politically corrected; they're fixed. They will be fixed, because people won't accept it anymore. So that's a good thing."

Here's the scene they were filming at the time:

2.While filming Suicide Squad, Jared Leto stayed completely in character as the Joker and sent his cast mates disturbing gifts. After he sent Viola Davis a box of bullets, she "almost had [her] pepper spray out."

  Warner Bros. Pictures / Via youtube.com, Warner Bros. Pictures / Via youtube.com

She told E! News, "It was a little worrisome. It made you a little bit nervous, and I'm pretty tough. You know, I got into a few fights when I was growing up…but it scared me a little bit."

3.Freddie Prinze Jr. "hated every moment" of 24 because "Kiefer [Sutherland] was the most unprofessional dude in the world."

closeup of their characters on a rooftop by a helicopter
20th Century Fox Film Corp. All rights reserved, Courtesy: Everett Collection

He told ABC News, "That's not me talking trash, I'd say it to his face, I think everyone that's worked with him has said that. I just wanted to quit the business after that. So, I just sort of stopped."

4.Terms of Endearment costars Shirley MacLaine and Debra Winger had an infamous behind-the-scenes feud. In her memoir My Lucky Stars, Shirley wrote that, while filming, Debra yelled at her to "get over here" when she needed to hit her marks. She continued, "'I heard you,' I said. 'I know marks when I see them.' 'Good,' [Debra] said. 'How's this for a mark?' She turned around, walked away from me, lifted her skirt slightly, looked over her shoulder, bent over, and farted in my face."

their two characters having tea in bed

When Andy Cohen brought up the story on Watch What Happens Live, Debra said there "was something true in there."

5.Jay Mohr told Elle that his most awkward interaction with a female costar was "being on the set of a movie where the leading woman was unhappy with [his] presence and made it clear from day one." The interviewer pointed out that " the only film that could possibly fit this description is 1997's Picture Perfect, with Jennifer Aniston," which the actor declined to confirm or deny.

closeup of their characters

He also said, "I hadn't done many movies, and even though they screen-tested some pretty famous guys, I somehow snaked into the leading role. The actress said, 'No way! You've got to be kidding me!' Loudly. Between takes. To other actors on set. I would literally go to my mom's house and cry."

6.Tyrese Gibson was upset with James Franco's method acting on Annapolis because "he never snapped out of character." He told Elle, "Whenever we'd have to get in the ring for boxing scenes, and even during practice, the dude was full-on hitting me. I was always like, 'James, lighten up, man. We're just practicing.' He never lightened up."

closeup of their two characters

Tyrese also reportedly told Playboy, "I never want to work with [James] again, and I'm sure he feels the same way. It felt very personal. It was fucked-up."

James told GQ, "I take full blame for any problems on that film. If he had a bad experience working with me, I was probably a jerk. I was not purposely cruel to him, but I was probably so wrapped up in my performance that I was not as friendly as I could have been. This is such a stupid issue I can't believe I'm still talking about it. But when I'm asked about it in the press it makes it seem as if it's still an issue. I think Tyrese is a sweet guy with a good heart. I wish him all the best."

7.Initially, Richard Gere was cast in The Lords of Flatbush alongside Sylvester Stallone, but they "never hit it off." In a fan Q&A, Sylvester said, "He would strut around in his oversized motorcycle jacket like he was the baddest knight at the round table. One day, during an improv, he grabbed me (we were simulating a fight scene) and got a little carried away. I told him in a gentle fashion to lighten up, but he was completely in character and impossible to deal with."

  Columbia Pictures / Via youtube.com, Paramount Pictures / Via youtube.com

He continued, "Then we were rehearsing at Coney Island, and it was lunchtime, so we decided to take a break, and the only place that was warm was in the backseat of a Toyota. I was eating a hotdog, and he climbs in with a half a chicken covered in mustard with grease nearly dripping out of the aluminum wrapper. I said, 'That thing is going to drip all over the place.' He said, 'Don't worry about it.' I said, 'If it gets on my pants, you're gonna know about it.' He proceeds to bite into the chicken, and a small, greasy river of mustard lands on my thigh. I elbowed him in the side of the head and basically pushed him out of the car. The director had to make a choice: one of us had to go, one of us had to stay. Richard was given his walking papers and to this day seriously dislikes me."

Richard was replaced with Perry King.

8.During reshoots on Charlie's Angels, Bill Murray stopped mid-scene to start hurling insults at Lucy Liu, using "inexcusable and unacceptable" language.

closeup of their two characters

On the LA's Times' Asian Enough podcast, she said, "I was, like, 'Wow, he seems like he's looking straight at me.' I couldn't believe that [the comments] could be towards me, because what do I have to do with anything majorly important at that time? I literally do the look around my shoulder thing, like, who is he talking to behind me? I say, 'I'm so sorry. Are you talking to me?' And clearly he was, because then it started to become a one-on-one communication...I was not going to just sit there and take it. So, yes, I stood up for myself, and I don't regret it. Because no matter how low on the totem pole you may be or wherever you came from, there's no need to condescend or to put other people down. And I would not stand down, and nor should I have."

9.Jane Fonda called out her Monster-In-Law costar Jennifer Lopez for injuring her on set. On The Drew Barrymore Show, she said, "The thing that comes to mind right away is that we have a slapping scene. I slap her. She slaps me. Jennifer — as per Jennifer — she had this enormous diamond ring. When she slapped me, it cut open across my eyebrow."

jennifer slapping jane in the movie

"You know, she's never apologized," she concluded.

Watch the scene she's talking about below:

10.While filming I Love Trouble, Julia Roberts told the New York Times that her onscreen love interest, Nick Nolte, could be "completely charming and very nice" but was also "completely disgusting." She added that he "seems [to] go out of his way to repel people."

closeup of julia robers

She also said, "From the moment I met him, we sort of gave each other a hard time, and naturally we get on each other's nerves."

11.During a Twitter spat with her former Charmed costar Alyssa Milano, Rose McGowan tweeted, "You threw a fit in front of the crew, yelling, 'They don't pay me enough to do this shit!' Appalling behavior on the daily. I cried every time we got renewed because you made that set toxic AF."

closeup of the two on the series

She also shared an interview clip, where she told Nightline, "I don't like [Alyssa].. 'cause I think she's a lie."

Responding in a statement to E! News, Alyssa said, "Hurt people hurt people. Commenting any further doesn't align with my wellness plan."

12.Patton Oswalt alleged that Blade: Trinity was "a very troubled production" because "Wesley [Snipes] was just fucking crazy in a hilarious way." He told the AV Club, "He wouldn't come out of his trailer, and he would smoke weed all day...And he tried to strangle the director, David Goyer."

closeup of patton

He continued, "We went out that night to some strip club, and we were all drinking. And there were a bunch of bikers there, so David says to them, 'I'll pay for all your drinks if you show up to set tomorrow and pretend to be my security.' Wesley freaked out and went back to his trailer. And the next day, Wesley sat down with David and was like, 'I think you need to quit. You're detrimental to this movie.' And David was like, 'Why don't you quit? We've got all your close-ups, and we could shoot the rest with your stand-in.' And that freaked Wesley out so much that, for the rest of the production, he would only communicate with the director through Post-it notes. And he would sign each Post-it note 'From Blade.'"

In response, Wesley denied the allegations that he'd attempted to strangle the director. He also denied the Post-it note story. He told the Guardian, "All it takes is one person, Mr. Oswalt, who I really don't know. I can barely remember him on the set, but it's fascinating that his statement alone was enough to make people go: 'Yeah, you know Snipes has got a problem.'"

13.In her 2013 memoir Unsinkable, Debbie Reynolds wrote that her Singin' in the Rain costar/director Gene Kelly was a "cruel taskmaster." She said, "He came to rehearsals and criticized everything I did and never gave me a word of encouragement."

the two dancing
Loew's Inc. Courtesy Everett Collection

She also alleged that he made unwanted sexual advances towards her during their first kiss scene, writing, "The camera closed in. Gene took me tightly in his arms...and shoved his tongue down my throat. 'Eeew! What was that? I screeched, breaking free of his grasp and spitting. I ran around frantic, yelling for some Coca-Cola to cleanse my mouth. It was the early 1950s, and I was an innocent kid who had never been French-kissed. It felt like an assault. I was stunned that this 39-year-old man would do this to me."

Gene reportedly once said, "I wasn't very nice to Debbie. I'm surprised she still speaks to me."

14.Replying to a tweet Lea Michele made about the Black Lives Matter movement, Glee actor Samantha Marie Ware wrote, "Remember when you made my first television gig a living hell?!?! 'Cause I'll never forget. I believe you told everyone that if you had the opportunity you would 'shit in my wig!’ amongst other traumatic microaggressions that made me question a career in Hollywood."

closeup of samantha's character

Fellow Glee costar Alex Newell replied in support of Samantha and tweeted, "When my friends goes through something traumatic I also go through it... that's what friendship is."

In response, Lea posted an Instagram statement, saying, "While I don't remember ever making this specific statement and I have never judged others by their background or color of their skin, that's really not the point. What matters is that I clearly acted in ways which hurt other people. Whether it was my privileged position and perspective that caused me to be perceived as insensitive or inappropriate at times, or whether it was just my immaturity and me just being unnecessarily difficult, I apologize for my behavior and for any pain which I have caused...I listened to these criticisms and I am learning and while I am very sorry, I will be better in the future from this experience."

15.And finally, Dabier, who appeared on Glee in 2014, also recounted rude behavior from Lea Michele. He tweeted, "GIRL YOU WOULDN'T LET ME SIT AT THE TABLE WITH THE OTHER CAST MEMBERS CAUSE 'I DIDN'T BELONG THERE."

  XSET / Via youtube.com, Fox / Via youtube.com

He added, "FUCK YOU LEA."