15 Men From The Past Week Who Proved They STILL Have No Idea How Women's Bodies Function
Maybe one day men will educate themselves about the female body, but that day certainly wasn't in the past week. Here are some of the most egregious examples of men being absolutely clueless, courtesy of r/badwomensanatomy and r/NotHowGirlsWork:
1.This man who said "most people don't expect" women to have body hair:
2.This man who has it in his head that men "age better" than women:
3.This man who left THIS comment on a video about sex toys:
4.This man who thinks women get periods to compensate for the "advantages" we definitely do not get in society:
5.This man who identifies as a "clitorial denier":
6.This man who thinks that mothers kissing their babies helps stimulate breast milk (???):
7.This man who thinks the clitoris is "an invention of modern feminism":
8.This man who thinks only 0.1% of women get aroused:
9.This man who I don't even have words for:
10.This man who thinks pads and tampons are one and the same:
11.This man who thinks hysterectomies are reversible:
12.This man who's still — in 2024 — using the disgusting "hot dog down a hallway" analogy:
13.This man who thinks IUD's are inserted into your butt:
14.This man who posted THIS in a community Facebook group:
15.And finally, this man who thinks it's "unnatural to bleed every month":
What's the wildest thing you've heard a man say about the female body? Share it in the comments.