"It's Nice To Feel Wanted": Guys Are Sharing The Small Gestures Women Do That Make Them Weak At The Knees

It's always refreshing to hear a man's point of view on small gestures done by women that they really appreciate. The hundreds of comments in this thread discussing these small acts of kindness really warm my heart. Here is what some men had to say on the topic.

Note: Some of these responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.

1."Random hugs or physical affection. It's nice to feel wanted."

A couple embraces in a warmly lit room, conveying intimacy and affection
Klaus Vedfelt / Getty Images

2."My wife talks me up in front of other people. I'd never had that before and had a toxic family, so I was used to hearing people speak negatively, if at all. We've been married nine years, and I still get a lump in my throat when I hear her compliment me or hear it second hand that she spoke well of me to someone. Especially if I wasn't there. Her mum told me that my wife said she should ask me for advice on an upcoming trip and that I'm her favorite person to travel with because I put so much effort into researching places that it's like having a personal tour guide wherever we go. I'm not going to lie; I got choked up. I even accidentally overheard her tell her friend that I have great handwriting. High on that for a full day."


3."My girlfriend told me once, 'I can't solve every problem, but I know I can always be here for you when you need help.' It really made me feel supported and loved."

A couple sits on a sofa engaged in a serious conversation. The woman gestures with her hands while the man listens intently
Tetra Images / Getty Images/Tetra images RF

4."My wife occasionally wakes me up in bed with a cup of coffee made how I like it. Every time she does that I’m like, 'Damn, she loves me.' Lmao. Also, when she asks me questions about shit I’m passionate about. Even if it’s like a dumb video game."


5."When you sit next to her, she places her head on your shoulder and smiles."


6."My wife leaves me cute little notes or sometimes draws me a little comic strip. Those always make my day."

A note on a mirror says "I love you!" in handwritten text
Tovfla / Getty Images

7."There are lots of them, but today, my dearly beloved came up behind me as I was sitting at the kitchen table, bent down, hugged me from behind, and just stayed that way for a bit."


8."When they say what they mean directly and don't expect men to be mind readers or pick up on their subtle 'hints' When they both verbalize and demonstrate appreciation for the things we do to make their lives better, and then reciprocate with an equal gesture."


9."After a long day of parenting our little one, she looks me in the eye and thanks me for being part of her life. No matter how often I hear it, my heart melts, and I just want to cry and hold her forever. She has given me a purpose to be better tomorrow than I was today."


10."My fiance has got me flowers multiple times, making me want to cry. It's funny because hypothetically if you asked me if I wanted flowers, I would say eh, whatever. But when she actually got them and made it clear they were for me, not us, I had a strong emotional reaction."

A vibrant bouquet of mixed flowers in a green vase sits on a wooden table, with sunlight casting diagonal shadows on the wall behind
Jena Ardell / Getty Images

11."It's the small, thoughtful gestures that mean the most, like when she remembers something I casually mentioned weeks ago or when she sends a quick text just to check in during a busy day. Even something as simple as a genuine smile or hug when I'm feeling down can completely turn my day around. Those little acts of care and attention show she's really invested in us, which I truly appreciate."


12."I love it when she remembers my favorite snack and shows up with it just because. It’s like a little reminder that she gets me."


13."Little token gestures. Like, a very quick call at work when she thinks you might be having a bad day. Or sending something to us at home or work on Valentine's Day. The world seems full of women who seem to think we constantly need to remind THEM they're wanted and cherished and desirable and who are fine with the idea that if they reciprocate about 10% of the effort we bestow onto them, then that's somehow a fair trade."


14."Actually hold the door open when our hands are full."

A person is shown opening a door by pulling the handle. The focus is on their hand grasping the handle, with the rest of their body blurred in the background
Webphotographeer / Getty Images/iStockphoto

15."The way she makes an effort to include me in decisions and values my opinions."


Are there any small things women do that you really appreciate? If so, share it with me in the comments below!