15 Real, Proven Facts That Are So Unbelievable, They Kinda Sound Like Bullsh*t
·9-min read
Recently, Redditor u/kinein_myrrhineasked, "What is a real, proven fact that sounds like impossible fantasy bullshit?" As an enjoyer of any kind of fun fact, I took it upon myself to sift through some of the best facts in this thread, fact-check them, and share them with you all! So, without further ado, here are 15 facts so unbelievable, they seem false, but are 100% true:
Note: responses have also been pulled from these similarthreads.
1."Babies have more bones than adults. A lot more."
2."There's a jellyfish that doesn't have an anus! Whenever too much waste product builds up in its body, it simply makes a hole somewhere on its body, discharges the waste, and then the hole closes back up again."
3."The US military has lost several nuclear weapons and not all of them have been recovered."
4."It took a long time for the Giant Tortoise to be scientifically recognized because to be catalogued, a sample had to reach London. Turtles turn out to be really, really good to eat."
6."The first English scientists to receive a preserved platypus were so absolutely 100% convinced it was a hoax that he nearly took the specimen apart trying to find evidence that it had been assembled from multiple different animals."
7."The Children's Crusade was a Holy Crusade made up nearly entirely of children. Their goal was to siege and take the Holy Lands for the Catholics, fixing their fathers' and brothers' perceived failures and taking the city. Most of them died before getting anywhere out of Europe."
8."If there are 23 people in a room, the probability that two people have the same birthday is over 50%."
9."Previously fish-free lakes and ponds can be populated by fish thanks to migrating ducks. When ducks eat fish eggs, some of them can pass through the digestive system unharmed and hatch in new waterways."
10."The release of all of the original Star Wars trilogy is closer in time to WWII than the present day."
11."I remember reading that if you look at pictures of sick people, your immune system will automatically give itself a little boost just by looking at the pictures."
12."There are more bones in gummy worms than real worms."
13."Animals can see completely different colors than us. Pretty wild when you think about it."
14."There is a jellyfish that is 'immortal.' It returns back to pupa state and then again grows and repeats the cycle!"
15.And finally, "That sharks are older than the rings of Saturn."
Do you know a fun fact like these? If so, tell us about it in the comments below!
Note: Reddit submissions have been edited for length, clarity, and correctness.
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