10 Easiest Pets to Take Care Of

If you're a cat person, you know that although they have an independent streak, most feline friends are not the easiest pets to take care of. Meanwhile, farm animals require acres of land and constant attention. And most dog breeds are social animals that survive on petting and positive affirmation almost as much as food and water.

With many economic headwinds forcing people toward apartment living and smaller spaces, many search for a great pet that can survive and thrive in a small space with minimal attention from a pet owner who leads a busy life.

If this sounds familiar, check your local pet stores for some of these the most low-maintenance pets listed below.

1. Guinea Pigs

These little guys are arguably the best pets for people with a busy schedule and a desire for a low-maintenance companion to watch movies with during your wind-down routine. They are similar to hamsters in several ways but barely outdid the No. 2 spot with a longer, softer set of fur.

Guinea pigs and hamsters are both short-lived pets, but you can do your best to extend their happy lives by keeping them quarantined in a large cage from other cats, dogs and potential predator pets. A guinea pig is an easy pet for people who love animals but don't have much time to care for social creatures like cats and dogs.

With just one look, you'll quickly realize they don't resemble any pig species, and they didn't originate in Guinea. Wild guinea pigs are native to the Andes Mountain Region in South America, where many are domesticated and raised as meat livestock.

2. Hamsters

Hamsters, hamsters, hamsters — every classroom had one, and lots of kids wanted one of their own. These little fur balls are some of the best low-maintenance pets with an easy-to-care-for nature that requires food and water and a little love.

3. Betta Fish

Every '90s kid likely had a betta fish at one time, and only their parents know the true number of doppelgangers that took their place after they traveled down through the porcelain portal. Betta fish require the same glass tank as saltwater fish, but being freshwater fish, they need significantly less maintenance.

The only ones you must pay extra attention to are the male betta fish, which can become aggressive when their aquatic neighbors test their territorial nature.

4. Chinchillas

Perhaps their species' long history of adorning coat collars of the rich and famous has led to chinchillas' collective contentment from "not much" human interaction.

This low-maintenance pet will eat pellet food, sip on clean water, and require only a well-ventilated cage and occasional dust baths to keep its famous, soft coat up to par.

5. Turtles

The painted turtle is one of the most popular amphibian pet species and perhaps the only animal on this list that can outlive its pet owner. Measuring roughly 1 foot (30.5 cm) long, this hardy animal may last nearly 50 years and require few vet visits during its long tenure in your home.

The turtle diet consists of fresh vegetables and leafy greens, which makes it the perfect companion/trash disposal when "healthy you" did the grocery shopping that week.

6. Corn Snakes

The corn snake is another one of those great beginner pets that require minimal attention apart from housing in a spacious tank, the proper living conditions and a steady supply of food.

These mostly nocturnal animals are fairly docile and like to be held occasionally. Just don't let the corn snake escape in your house.

7. Leopard Geckos

A leopard gecko can be social, but it typically keeps to itself. They don't require much space, and aside from their desire to eat live insects, super worms and other wriggly treats, leopard geckos are relatively easy to take care of, compared to most pets.

8. Birds

Parakeets, parrots, canaries, lovebirds and finches have been favorite pets of some of the world's elite for generations. They require a clean cage to protect them from other pets, fresh water regularly changed for clean drinking and a safe environment where they're safe from other animals in the wild.

9. Hermit Crabs

Sea creatures like hermit crabs can be great pets for people who wish to try pet ownership for the first time. These crustaceans require a large tank with high humidity, a mini saltwater pool for cooling off, and several small shell homes to find the perfect accommodations.

10. Sea Monkeys (Brine Shrimp)

If you are looking for a pet that requires little to no attention, it may be time to start your first sea monkey colony. Provide a small tank, maintain an adequate water temperature and install a daily feeder for the most low-maintenance animal on this list (though, it's also probably the least affectionate).

However, you shouldn't get too attached and start naming the little buddies since they have an average lifespan of 1 year.

Original article: 10 Easiest Pets to Take Care Of

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