10 Creative Ways to Spoil Your Cat on International Cat Day



August 8th is International Cat Day, and you know what that means!

This is the day to celebrate everything about your feline friends, from their unbelievably adorable faces to their cozy snuggles, if they decide to give them to you. In 2002, the International Fund for Animal Welfare declared August 8 as International Cat Day, and now we have another excuse to give our pets the best day ever.

If you want to celebrate this precious holiday, here are some creative ideas for ultimate pet pampering. Your cat(s) will be so happy!

10 Cat-Pampering Ideas

Sure, you can always get your pet a new toy or snag some new treats from the grocery store, but if you're looking to do something a little extra, then this is the list for you. It will depend on what your cat is comfortable with, of course!

1. Catnip

Um, duh! Catnip, a member of the mint family, is used in tea, cough relievers, and even bug sprays. Most notably, it can make your cat feel totally relaxed and happy. The oil nepetalactone in catnip can cause reactions in cats similar to those caused by a female in heat.

You can snag catnip in many forms, but the easiest way is to purchase some catnip-filled toys. This way, your cat can get some playtime while hopefully feeling on top of the world.

2. Kitty cocktail

Do you want to take some adorable photos for this big day? A cat cocktail is the perfect activity for anyone who wants to totally treat their pet to the max. The Instagram account @agedandinfused went viral for making his cat an adorable cocktail with the simplest recipe: 0.25 ounces of milk shaken with 1.5 ounces of water and strained into a tiny glass.

Pro-tip: crush some of your cat's kibble to rim the glass.

<p>Image via Gennadiy Naumov/Shutterstock</p>

Image via Gennadiy Naumov/Shutterstock

3. Spa day

Obviously, a full-blown spa day is the best way to celebrate any occasion, and even if your cat hates baths, you can still treat them to a luxurious experience. Snag some Earthbath shea butter spray or Burt's Bees Oat & Aloe Vera wipes, put on some smooth jazz, and give your kitty the glow-up of their lifetime.

4. Self-grooming brush

If you work out of the house or you find you don't have enough time to regularly groom your pet, a self-grooming brush is an incredible hack that will save you time and give your cat 24/7 access to a good scratch. These products can usually be attached to the wall or furniture legs for super easy access.

5. Scratching pads

They're perfect if you have a cat who loves to scratch up the sides of your couch and chairs. Instead of totally taking away their hobby, try and replace it with a cardboard box lined with scratch pads. This will keep your kitty entertained all day long, and you can replace the pads whenever they are finally worn down.

6. Gentle massage

If you opt for the spa day in the example above, you have to incorporate this step into your routine. And if you don't have time for a full spa experience, this will at least give you some one-on-one cuddle time with your kitty. Start behind their ears or under their chin and move towards the base of their tail. If they start making biscuits or purring, then you're on the right track.

<p>Mary Swift</p>

Mary Swift

7. Set up a cozy hiding place

Who wouldn't want a new place to take a nap? Find a small corner of your home and deck it out with comfy blankets and pillows. If you don't have the space, you can even create a makeshift spot on a windowsill or under your bed. It doesn't have to be anything crazy, but your cat will love it.

8. Cat grass

If you have a cat who loves to bite and chomp on your plants, this is for you. Instead of wistfully watching your plants get eaten bit by bit, gift your kitty with their own plant in the form of a mini kitty garden! You can either find affordable options online or even grow your own.

9. Human food

If there's one thing a pet will never turn down, it's a human snack. If you want to give your cat the best day ever, feed them small scraps of cat-safe food throughout the day. They'll be so excited! Always research before you feed your kitty anything other than their kibble, but some safe options include cooked meats, bananas, carrots, eggs, and oatmeal.

10. Outdoor play space

Last but not least, a cat will always appreciate an extra spot to lie in the sun. If you have room for it, get your pet an outdoor tent or catio so they can enjoy the beauty of nature without being in danger. This might not work with some cats, so make sure you test it first to ensure they are comfortable.

Pick one of these options and give your kitty the best celebratory day ever!