The #1 Early Breast Cancer Sign Most People Miss

In the U.S., roughly one in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. Breast cancer is the second most common cancer affecting women in the U.S., after skin cancer.

As with any cancer, when it comes to breast cancer, early detection is key. If breast cancer is found early, there are more treatment options available and the chance of survival is more likely. But in order to detect breast cancer, it’s important to be aware of the earliest signs of it. 

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Who Is Most at Risk for Breast Cancer?

Dr. Natalie Klar, MD, a breast oncologist at NYU Langone’s Perlmutter Cancer Center, says that every woman is at risk for developing breast cancer, which is why it’s important for everyone to know its earliest symptoms. However, there are some factors that can put some women even more at risk. “Some women's risk is higher if they have a family history of breast cancer or carry a genetic mutation such as BRCA,” Dr. Klar explains. “Women who carry a genetic mutation in BRCA1 or BRCA2 lifetime risk for breast cancer can be as high as 80 percent.” 

Dr. Jane Meisel, MD
, an associate professor in the Department of Medical Oncology and Hematology at Emory University School of Medicine and the Medical Director for JScreen’s cancer program, agrees, saying that breast cancer is, unfortunately, common. In addition to having a family history of breast cancer or having the BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene, she says that having dense breasts can also put someone more at risk.

Both doctors say that there are diet and lifestyle habits anyone can adopt to lower their risk of breast cancer. First, if you smoke or vape: quit. Scientific studies have found that using tobacco increases the risk for all forms of cancer, including breast cancer. Dr. Meisel says that drinking alcohol in excess also increases the risk of breast cancer. “Excessive alcohol consumption at more than four alcoholic drinks a week is associated with an elevated risk for developing breast cancer,” Dr. Klar says in agreement.

Both doctors share that obesity and lack of exercise also increase the risk. “Using diet and exercise to get to a body mass index of 25 or lower is great for reducing the risk not just of breast cancer, but of other cancers as well,” Dr. Meisel explains. For this reason, Dr. Klar recommends eating a nutrient-rich diet and exercising regularly, as they can help decrease the risk of breast cancer.


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The Most Commonly Missed Early Breast Cancer Sign

As both doctors pointed out, every woman is at risk for breast cancer and early detection is crucial for the best chance of survival. What can you do to ensure that, if you do get breast cancer, it’s caught early? First, don’t skip your mammograms. “Most breast cancers are asymptomatic and are diagnosed on routine screening breast imaging mammograms and ultrasounds,” Dr. Klar says. It’s recommended that women ages 50 to 74 get a mammogram every two years. Women who are in their 40s should talk to their doctor about how often they should get a mammogram, taking into account their individual health and family history.

Both Dr. Klar and Dr. Meisel say that the first noticeable symptom of breast cancer is a change in the breast. This could be a palpable mass, nipple discharge, inverted nipple, new breast pain or discomfort, rash or redness on the breast, or skin dimpling on the breast. These symptoms can often go unnoticed, which is why it’s important to do a self-breast exam every month. In addition to changes in the breast, Dr. Meisel says that it’s common for women with breast cancer to feel an increased level of fatigue.

If you experience any changes in your breasts, Dr. Klar says it’s important to see your healthcare provider. During your appointment, she says that you can expect your doctor to perform a breast exam and it's likely that a mammogram or ultrasound will be recommended. “​​If anything abnormal is seen on the breast exam and imaging, a biopsy may be recommended. [This is] where a doctor uses a small needle to take a piece of breast tissue to examine it and determine if there is anything abnormal,” she explains. If the biopsy shows abnormal breast tissue, such as breast cancer, the next step is to meet with breast specialists to discuss the diagnosis and treatment.

“The earlier a breast cancer is caught, the more curable it is,” Dr. Meisel says. With this in mind, check your breasts monthly for any changes and don’t skip your mammograms. Your health is in your hands. 

Next up, find out what a breast cancer lump actually feels like.
