Madonna Cries Talking About Her Mother at New York Premiere


Facing Hollywood's biggest night of the year and the sports world's biggest game, Madonna has a big to-do list. The movie she directed, W.E., just received an Oscar nod for costume design (the Academy Awards are Feb. 26), and she'll bring her star power to the football field with a halftime performance at the New England Patriots vs. New York Giants Super Bowl on Feb. 5.

"Anybody that knows me knows that when I'm tired, I cry," she warned the W.E. audience at New York City's Ziegfeld Theatre for Monday's Forevermark-sponsored Cinema Society premiere. The movie's a modern twist on the love story between Wallis Simpson and Edward VIII.

"If I cry, please, just don't hold it against me. I'm really not a sentimental kind of a person."

So she must be exhausted: While talking about her mother, the veteran entertainer, 53, who picked up a Golden Globe for best original song earlier this month, became emotional.

"Finally, I would like to thank my mother," she said, sighing, and then pausing at length as she choked back tears. "Because, really, this story is the story of a female's, the journey of a female, soul. And my mother gave me life."

As for the Super Bowl appearance, she'll perform "some oldies, but goodies" along with her new single, "Give Me All Your Love" at the halftime show, she said.

"I'm really tired from working my a–– off for the Super Bowl," said Madonna, sporting a form-fitting Marchesa dress. And while she's "extremely nervous" about the highly visible gig, she added, "My life seems to be made up of 'I never imagined I'd be here' moments."