New Doubts Over Hypo-Allergenic Baby Formula

Babies who drink hypo hypo-allergenic baby formula aren’t less likely to develop allergies when they’re older, according to a new study.

Melbourne researchers tested more than 600 babies with a family history of allergies to see if the hypoallergenic formula helped them prevent such conditions as eczema, asthma and allergic rhinitis.

Upon weaning, the bubs were given a partially hydrolysed whey (pHWF or hypoallergenic) formula made by Nestle, cows' milk or soy formulas.

Each then had skin-prick tests at six, 12 and 24 monthS for for milk, egg, peanut, dust mite, rye grass and cat dander – and then had follow-up assessments by the age of six or seven.


The researchers found there was no difference in the rate of allergy development between the babies, regardless of who received which formula.

"A number of guidelines recommend that when babies are being weaned from breastmilk, if the parents are worried about allergies, they go on to these hypoallergenic formulas," Study author Adrian Lowe, from the Murdoch Children's Institute said. "But our study showed it doesn't really make any difference.

"Families at high risk of allergies should be encouraged to breast feed for the many known benefits associated with breast feeding, and if parents need to move on to formula that that decision need not be based on the belief that one formula will reduce the risk of allergies compared to another."

Nestle, which sponsored the study, spoke out in favour of its hypoallergenic formula, despite the study’s results.

"There have been at least eight different meta-analyses conducted and all conclude that HA is recommended for reducing the allergy risk in high-risk infants," a Nestle spokeswoman said.


“Having said that, while partially hydrolysed whey-based infant formula may benefit children who are not breastfed compared to cows' milk formula, Nestle firmly believes that breast feeding is always best for babies."

The Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy estimates 40 per cent of Australian children have an allergy, the most common being food allergies, eczema, asthma and hay fever.


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