Strange Health Tips That Actually Work

1. Sit up straight and you might think twice about reaching for that cupcake or sweet treat. According to research, slouching cuts blood flow and glucose to the brain, making us crave sugar.

2. Pick up a pineapple and while you’re enjoying that sweet flesh you could also relieve joint pain. It’s thought to contain anti-inflammatory properties.

3. Got a mouth ulcer? Peel a clove of garlic, cut it in half crossways and squeeze the oil out. Dab it on the lesion. It should kill the bacteria and ulcer by morning.

4. Keep some American mustard handy in the fridge for a minor burn. It will calm the skin and stop blistering.

5. Overdue or long labour? Some research suggests drinking pomegranate juice can speed up the process. It contains a natural steroid that can stimulate all the right muscles.