The Truth About Zinc

Forget the stuff Warnie used to smear across his nose – the zinc coating your insides is far more important.

Its main functions are to boost your immune system, heal wounds, improve your skin’s appearance, and break down proteins and carbohydrates. Indeed, it’s so crucial to your wellbeing that supplementing with it can reduce the severity and duration of illnesses like the common cold, found studies by research database The Cochrane Library. That’s your cue to leave the conversation, vitamin C.

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Zinc helps your cells reproduce – and that’s crucial if you want to leave a mark on your family tree. If you’re low in zinc then you’ll stifle your testosterone production, found research in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition. Serious deficiencies can lead to infertility, fatigue, memory loss and an inability to focus.

Your body, muscles included, does a significant portion of its repair and growth at night. Optimise these conditions by washing down your zinc supplement before bed. Bonus: your boosted testosterone levels will prove a big win for your morning glory.

Sure, zinc’s one of your body’s MVPs – but don’t overplay this superstar. Excessive use of zinc supplements can cause diarrhoea, abdominal cramps and vomiting – pretty much everything that’ll ruin date night. The Federal Health Department suggests taking no more than 12-14 milligrams a day to be on the safe side.

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You can get zinc in both tablet and liquid form, but the drinkable version offers a nifty little test. A teaspoon of the liquid zinc will taste different according to your body’s levels of the mineral. If you’re deficient, the liquid will taste like normal water; if you have adequate supplies, it will taste fiercely bitter.