Sagittarius: Six Month Horoscope

SAGITTARIUS November 22 – December 21

You're still dealing with fallout from events that took place more than two years ago when heavy influences affected Sagittarius. But the planets have finally moved on and so will you. Be patient with yourself because on practically every level, you've tumbled through upheaval - in work, money, family relationships and detaching yourself from a difficult situation. You still don't have all the answers, but you are feeling much greater inner resolve. You've learnt how to deal with the present instead of being mired in the past. You've let go of the damaging guilt, and stopped berating yourself. Uranus, planet of happy cosmic surprises, has just begun a vibrant new cycle. You'll settle a financial issue and start to create a more secure lifestyle. In addition, you'll cash in on your exceptional talents. After August, a novel notion you've been toying with will take hold. Slavishly following orders is not your thing; you're a creator and orator with the skills of an old-fashioned politician. You'll galvanise a power team, and others will see that beneath your affability you have a spine of steel. Before 2010 ends, you'll enter a new professional market. LOVE AND SEX
With your joie de vivre you handle almost anything with aplomb - except romantic calamity. Your very essence yearns for magical love and for a lover who is your best friend. So it's twice as depressing to be disappointed by a relationship and then to have the scales fall from your eyes about someone in whom you believed. Yet the closure and new beginning you're experiencing will prove to be of great value. Looking back, you'll see you were not a bystander. Choices you made were part of the "soap opera", and you're owning up to responsibility. Therefore, shedding the victim role will infuse you with strength. Now, your heart can soar again, and this time fly even higher.
In these next six months, a new lover will make life seem free of heavy stress. Your pairing will bring together two people who feel secure enough to be real - no pretense, no game playing. You'll have a fantastic friend and thrilling lover who shares your instinct for adventure. Sagittarian romantic patterns tend to be complicated because you yearn to be close, yet you want an expansive relationship. Your gift now is the discovery that the route to freedom is commitment.