Aries: Six Month Horoscope


You're the sign of acceleration, so the slow unfolding you're experiencing is frustrating to live through. You're in the midst of a personal drama, and also dealing with difficult financial issues. A goal you were heading towards is even farther away. Therefore, as you now ponder whether you should say yes to a scary life change, the question really is: What do you want (not what others want of you)? The good news is that the long-term planets of security and expansion are all pointing towards a new direction in your work, so you can exit an area of struggle. Possibly you're worried that you can't handle something unfamiliar, but the universe says trust yourself and don't let fear block you. You're also about to embark on a learning process that gives you every tool you need to become an originator. In the next six months, your reputation as a creative communicator shifts into high gear. You'll perform for a different audience or become a major presence on the internet. Your judgement of what appeals to the public is now extremely sharp, and you'll find a pot of gold by following an unusual path! LOVE AND SEX
In an emotional sense, perhaps the expression poor little rich girl applies to you. You have abundant gifts to give - great dynamism and passion, vibrant sexuality, and a generous heart. Yet time and again lovers take from you, don't fill your needs and, ultimately, fail you. Recently, you've also been dominated by either a painful scenario from the past or a current relationship in which you're not being heard. But Saturn, the planet
of stability, has now begun its long transit in your House of Partnership and Marriage, creating a foundation. You can make a wise commitment that will be a "coming home". In the next six months, you'll be drawn into an intense closeness with someone who adores you. You'll also experience the liberating joy of being able to express yourself. A lover will be fascinated not only by your brilliance, but by your depth. You're on an amazing journey and your private transformation makes you an extraordinary love partner. Now you can be impulsive, reckless even, and give your heart away in a new (or possibly renewed) sexual affair, but the best part is you'll finally feel safe.