How to fend off office sweets

Have you noticed that the cake table and vending machine has replaced the fruit bowl and water cooler as the office hot spot? By mid-afternoon, the machine is a getting a work out, and the cake within seconds is gone from the kitchen table. You’re not alone, according to a recent study, 52 percent say you share a chocolate and candy stash with a co worker, and 23 percent of you dig into it at least one a day.

Treating yourself every now and then is not a bad thing, in fact it can help you from feeling deprived – but when your jeans begin to tighten and that dress you wore a few months ago is clinging around the hip region, you have to wonder if those fattening freebies that crowd out the healthy snacks are worth it.

Some people have the ability to pass it up, but if you’re in the habit of daily candy and cake eating, here are how five different goody-grazing personalities can indulge without overdoing it.

1. The Socialiser

Is this you? You’re at the bowl for a regular check in, catching up on office gossip and last night's TV highlights while munching.

Why you do it: It's the company, not the candy, you're seeking, but that doesn't stop you from popping several pieces (of cake and candy).

The sweet fix: Pick up a hard candy like a Red Skin, which takes a long time to eat and has fewer calories than a slice of cake or a handful of candy.

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2. The Robot

Is this you? Like clockwork, you practically sleepwalk to the jar every day for an afternoon pick-me-up.

Why you do it: If you don’t have enough nutrient-dense foods frequently, your energy levels may dip.

The sweet fix: If you're a creature of habit, get on a new and improved routine. Have a nutritious lunch and in addition, add a 100 to 150 calorie snack such as an apple or a handful of nuts, on hand for later.

GALLERY: Low-calorie treats

3. The Stress Muncher

Is this you? When deadlines loom, you grab fistfuls of chocolate to calm your nerves.

Why you do it: Stress depletes serotonin which stimulates the feel-good brain chemical with food.

The sweet fix: Being social can also recharge you, so ring up a pal or have a chat with your co worker (but at your desk, far away from the naughty table)

GALLERY: 10 unhealthy healthy foods

4. The Candy Keeper

Is this you? Maintaining the bowl is your job, and it's stocked with your favourites. Proximity means you indulge often and unconsciously.

Why you do it: Being center stage and doling out treats gives as much of a rush as the sugar.

The sweet fix: Remove the bowl from your desk. Candy consumption will have dropped by two thirds with goodies kept two meters away.

5. The Guilty Eater

Is this you? No matter why you're nibbling—whether it's hunger or boredom—you apologize for each piece.

Why you do it: You feel less guilty voicing your regret.

The sweet fix: Realise that the candy is not your worst enemy. You can treat yourself occasionally as long as 90 percent of the time you’re eating well.

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