
The Man Test: How to tell if he's worth it

One hundred and eighty seconds.

That’s all you need to determine how a relationship will progress, according to a recent study by the University of Minnesota Duluth in the US. Chemistry, which kicks in even before you speak to someone, should help you distinguish the decent guy from the dodgy one across a crowded bar, gym, or frozen food aisle. Here, experts fine-tune your man-dar so you’ll know almost immediately if you should love or lose him.

Listen to his body talk

“Even unattractive men who present themselves as confident and interested can be sexy and appealing,” says Dr Ann Demarais, co-author of First Impressions: What You Don’t Know About How Others See You. Green lights: his hips are directed towards you, he’s leaning in slightly, his arms are uncrossed, and he’s relaxed.

Go with your gut

“Jump in, then take a break and reflect,” suggests psychologist Dr Frank Bernieri. But don’t overthink it: if you walk away from your encounter in a better mood, you’ve clicked.

Beware of wolves

If he claims to feel an instant connection, take a giant step back, warns Sandra Brown, author of How to Spot a Dangerous Man Before You Get Involved. This bloke probably wants intimacy – the type that involves KY, not D&Ms.

Avoid lecturers

If he pontificates or talks only about himself, that’s probably his focus in life at the moment. “He thinks he’s smart and interesting, but he’s actually tedious and self-absorbed,” says Dr Demarais.

Like him if he likes you

The guy who can deliver a compliment is worth a follow up. How to tell it’s not from a repertoire of pick-up lines? He’ll praise a feature, like your contagious laugh or superb hair, which shows he’s observant.

Related: How to decipher his body language