One move, banging bod

Push up rows deliver results. Photo: Getty images.

Owner and operator of BattleFit Australia, IsoWhey® Sports Ambassador, star of search4hurt season 2
One move: Ankorr bear crawls
Why: Sure, the resistance harness might look like something out of Fifty Shades, but Ankorr is my new found low impact love. You can focus on sports specific movements and drills, improve mobility and strength through range.

Andrew Pap is the newest IsoWhey Sports Ambassador

LAUREN HANNAFORD @lozhannaford
Ex elite gymnast turned PT and National gymnastics coach
One move: Salutes
Why: Whether you’re in a front support or tunnelled shape, or angled with your hands on the ground and feet on the wall (or vice versa) salutes are a fun way to strengthen your shoulders and core.

Lauren Hannaford is an ex elite gymnast turned PT

JESS ROBINSON @lazygirlfit
Personal trainer and Lazy Girl Fit founder
One move: Push up with row.
Why: Push ups are a difficult exercise to master with good form and target the big five - chest, back, shoulders, arms and core. If you spend time at a computer, with your shoulders rolling forward, the row balances that out. Do it with or without weights.

Jess Robinson is Lazy Girl Fit

LIBBY BABET @libbybabet
Owner of Agoga Bondi and
One move: ViPR Freestyle Play
Why: They’re long, weighted rubber logs with handles you can move in multiple ways and directions – lunging, squatting, shifting, lifting, twisting, turning, balancing, jumping and side-stepping. Put on music and move freestyle. It’s the best tool for building intensity, without lifting heavy weights.

Libby Babet is owner of Agoga Bondi

ALEXA TOWERSEY @actionalexa
Weights for Women and celebrity trainer (clients: Laura Dundovic and Renae Ayris)
One move: Bulgarian split squat
Why: Dual purpose exercises get you bang for your buck, especially when it comes to booty building which is my specialty.

Celebrity and Weights for Women trainer Alexa Towersy

MATTY ABEL @mattyabel
Ultra marathon runner and owner of The DBA Project
One move: Mobility stretching
Why: If you're not moving correctly you’ll struggle to get results so spend 15 minutes each session on it. You’ll progress faster and your chance of plateau or injury reduces.

Ultra marathon runner Matty Abel

MORE: 2015's next sweat things