If You're A Woman Who Lives Alone, Share With Us What You Do To Help Keep Yourself Safe

Living alone has its perks — privacy, being able to decorate how you like, the freedom to do whatever, whenever — but living alone as a woman might require a bit more caution and vigilance to ensure your safety. That said, if you're a woman who lives alone, what do you do that helps you feel safe?

Person holding a red umbrella, wearing a pink slip dress and a headband in a domestic setting, appears surprised or startled
Columbia Pictures

Maybe you leave a pair of men's shoes outside your front door so that it looks like you don't live alone.

A shoe rack in a hallway neatly organized with men's shoes, including ankle boots and sneakers, placed on multiple shelves
u/paleprincessssss / Via reddit.com

Maybe you put bells on your doorknobs to alert you if anyone even remotely tries getting in.

A Reddit post titled "The bells hanging on the back door of my parents house" shows a dog bell setup on a door for pets to signal going outside
u/SuperNotit / Via reddit.com

Maybe you purposefully never stick to a routine to make it more difficult for someone with potentially bad intentions to memorize your schedule.

A woman looks at a phone with a concerned expression. Text on screen: "Door Lock (2018)."
Megablox Plus M / Clover Films

Or maybe you always sleep with a weapon in arm's reach. Of course, you hope you never have to use it, but the thought of it being there helps you feel a lot better at night.

Person with long hair in a blue top holds a door open, looking surprised or shocked
YouTube: Sabrina Carpenter / Island Records / Via youtube.com

Whatever the case, if you're a woman who lives alone and has some tips and tricks you do to help you feel safe that you'd like to share with other women, feel free to leave them down in the comments. Or, you can anonymously submit your response using this form!