Give Me Your Most Unpopular Opinions, Serious Or Lighthearted, About Life In America
America. There's no place like it. I mean, where else can you find 10+ different flavors of Oreos on the grocery shelf at any given point? Where else do you see people competing in the 9/9/9 Challenge (if you're unfamiliar, that's where people try eating nine hot dogs in under nine baseball innings)?
I love my country, truly, but I won't say it's perfect. Sure, there might be some obvious things, but I want to know what little tweaks and unpopular opinions you hold about our land of the brave.
Maybe you just don't agree with the ranch dressing seems to come with EVERYTHING now.
Or the fact that Halloween costume stores are charging OUTRAGEOUS prices now. Look at me and tell me you want to charge me $60 for a plain toga again.
It could be something simple as thinking college Greek life has gotten out of control and is not as fun anymore (as a former sorority member, I still have flashbacks).
Whether you want to abolish Daylight Savings or the customary measuring system, let us know your most unpopular United States-related opinions in the comments! Bring your hottest takes, but please, be prepared to bring receipts (just fully explain why you feel that way). Your response could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.