Weekly Horoscope: July 21-July 27, Build Higher Toward Your Goals
See what this weekly horoscope has in store for your zodiac sign as this month's full Buck Moon rises on July 21
Weekly Horoscope, Cancer Sign, Ariana GrandeThe week ahead promises a ton of cosmic activity, which will be deeply reflected in our lives!
The most important focus in the week ahead happens at the onset: July's full Buck Moon. This full moon is the second complete lunation in Capricorn this summer and echoes out for the full week ahead, despite arriving on July 21.
Overall, this is a very positive full moon, which should open doorways to us and encourage us to reap the rewards of our efforts. The day of its peak is jam-packed with cosmic goodies, ensuring a festive and exciting atmosphere rippling through our lives.
Leo season begins on July 22 and Mercury (our planet of communication) enters Virgo on July 25. Beware of power struggles and feelings that are all or nothing on July 23.
Fortunately, your courage, energy and sex appeal will be sky-high once again on July 25 — so assert yourself and you’ll find that you’re able to carve out the path forward that you want!
Read on for what this week could have in store for you, according to your zodiac sign.
Related: Here Are the Best Crystals to Charge for July's Full Moon in Capricorn
Aries (March 21 to April 19)
Another powerful turning point arrives this week, Aries, spotlighting your professional ascent and ambitions. You may have noticed that situations or conversations that popped up a month ago around career are back on the table or up for review now.
A transformative situation is likely to appear near this time, which helps you to step up greater as a leader or instead makes you realize that your goals and ambitions aren’t aligning with who you are any longer.
Luckily, the universe does seem to be tipping in your favor, especially the harder that you work at this time. Go for the crown!
Related: A Guide to Each Lunar Phase and Their Meanings
Taurus (April 20 to May 20)
Last month brought an important situation to your attention about how you are eager to step into newfound territory and the conversations and opportunities that emerged then are likely to be reaching an even greater level at this time, Taurus.
On a basic level, this could just be about how you’re seeking to shake up your routine, explore new horizons and ideas or take some chances. Somehow this also seems to link to a transformative possibility in regards to career or your ambitions, too — and if you strike now, you could quickly find pieces fall into place as you ascend the throne.
For some of you, one of the following themes could also be apparent: academics, international travel or relations, immigration, legalities or media and publishing projects.
Gemini (May 21 to June 20)
Another turning point is upon you, Gemini. Last month’s full moon is directly tied to this one, so the situations and conversations emerging then could be back on your radar.
This likely ties to big money matters, a settlement, assets, investments or even debts and credit lines — so the key now is to keep control of your finances and be thinking big picture and long-term. On a different note, all of these matters seem to be tied to how you are seeking to go in new directions and step out of your comfort zone.
Note that a great transformation could be upon you if you seize the day and use your resources to make sweeping changes.
Cancer (June 21 to July 22)
It’s a big summer when it comes to your significant partnerships, Cancer. Last month, some important news or decisions came to light and the second act of what happened then is likely to be up for conversation now.
For instance, if you’ve decided to build and make long-term promises, you could be taking things to the next level. If you’ve realized you’re just not on the same page, you could quickly be hearing the violins and moving separate ways.
One thing is for certain: The decisions you make now are sure to be quite transformative and have long-term consequences, for better or for worse.
Leo (July 23 to Aug. 22)
The universe has been layering projects and responsibilities on your desk a lot this summer, Leo, and you’re likely to be facing more right now. A very busy period a month ago is likely to be echoing now and you’re either cranking on all cylinders or burning yourself out.
In complete truth, you’re starting to realize that things need to change and you need to capture the reigns and steer in a newfound direction particularly around employment, your work and life balance or even in regards to your physical health.
A transformative moment around a partnership could also be up in the air at this time, directly related to your decisions now. It could even be that someone is pushing back at you or demanding more from you and one of you is saying, “Enough is enough.”
Virgo (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22)
You’ve had quite the summer already and another milestone moment is here for you, Virgo. This week’s full moon energy echoes similarly to the situations you experienced about a month prior.
While this should be a particularly delightful period — especially around your heart’s desires, passion, romance and dating, children and fertility, or even hobbies or creativity — you’re also noticing a lot of intensity around your decisions, too.
It appears that the conversations and situations that popped up before require a revision — and it may very significantly affect your routines, work and life balance, employment or even physical health.
For example, it could be that your love life needs an adjustment because you met someone or you broke up and now your work life is affected. Or perhaps, you’re seeing exciting news around pregnancy, but it could be quite intense on your body or with your routines.
Related: Here's What Cancer Season Means for You, According to Your Zodiac Sign
Libra (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22)
About a month ago, Libra, you experienced a significant shift when it came to your family, home or domestic life. The conversations, situations and experiences you faced then are also likely to be back on the table for you to handle.
A second act is upon you. For instance, you may be seeing roommates move in and out or handling significant renovations or design shifts. Another example could be that you’re handling big changes in regards to your family or parents, such as taking on more responsibility or stepping in to help them.
No matter what, though, you’re feeling emotional and will need to find a place of grounding near this time. Note that a transformative energy around children, creativity or your love life could also play a part in triggering this.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21)
The universe is bringing a lot of activity to you this summer, Scorpio. This week’s full moon energy once again highlights your intellectual growth, contracts or travel.
A month ago you likely dealt with something significant in this realm, such as taking on or launching a communication-related endeavor or signing an important negotiation. It appears a second act is here for review, too — and you’re likely to see that the repercussions could be quite powerful, transformative and long-lasting.
Somehow they may even affect your home, family or real estate. At the very least, your emotions will feel deeply intense about everything at this time.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21)
Money has been a top priority in the past month, Sagittarius. Something that popped up about a month ago will also once again echo at this time.
Your income, job, expenses, budget or possessions seem to be in flux. Some of you could have been — or are currently — in the process of leaving one job for the next or seeing money come in as you pay it out. There’s certainly a “change of hands” on a financial level going on and you’re eager to see how the cards fall.
It does appear there’s something important in relation to significant communications, contracts or legalities involved with this, too. If that’s the case, read the fine print very, very carefully.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19)
The universe is once again thrusting you forward into the spotlight, Capricorn.
A month ago you noticed a major turning point, ending or culmination — and whatever played out then, is likely to be back up for review once again. This could all be tied to how you’re asserting yourself, revealing your identity to the world or chasing a significant goal.
No matter what, though, the situations emerging now seem quite transformative and life changing and you’ll certainly feel intense and an all-or-nothing mentality about everything. You may even notice something major in relation to hobbies, creativity, love and your finances all mixed into the perfect storm near this time.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18)
While you’ve had very lucky and sweet stars throughout most of the summer thus far, Aquarius, the universe is once again encouraging you to lie low and turn within.
This week’s full moon echoes similarly to the one we had a month prior, which means that the way you felt closer to June 21 and the week around it could be prominently here once again. Your mental health, need for solitude or projects and situations happening behind the scenes seem to be up for review once again.
No matter what, though, you’re feeling intense, eager to command your way forward and leave certain situations from the past behind you like ashes scattering to the wind after a wildfire.
Pisces (Feb. 19 to March 20)
This summer has certainly been promising some sweet energy just for you, Pisces. A month ago, you saw a large flurry of activity in relation to your friends, community — or perhaps, even in relation to your pursuit of long-term aspirations.
Once again, the situations and conversations that emerged a month ago are back on your radar. However, what you’re dealing with now could be particularly transformative and intense for you.
For instance, an example could be that you’ve found out the truth about an acquaintance — for better or for worse — that changes your crew’s dynamics. Another example could be that a major goal you’ve been gunning for is approved and you’ll be catapulted forward as it lifts you higher or changes your life.
Kyle Thomas — who's known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives and prominent influencers — is a celebrity astrologer who writes PEOPLE's weekly horoscopes. Learn more about him here!
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