The Voice Recap: An American Dream Come True Serves Music to Our Ears on Night 4 of the Blinds

Tuesday’s episode of The Voice was rolling right along, a bit more “meh” than “amazing” talentwise… until the end. Then and only then did we meet a native of Venezuela who said that she was living the American dream just by setting foot on the show’s storied stage. And her voice — wow. It was packed with more emotions than were covered even in Inside Out. Read on, and you can not only review our thoughts on her performance, you can lend an ear yourself.

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The Voice’s Best Performances of All Time, Ranked: The Good, the Badass and the Downright Amazing

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Anya True (Team Dan + Shay), “Until I Found You” — Grade: B- | Before her audition, this high-school senior told us that people had often remarked on her unique tone. And I’ll give her that; it is different and often quite lovely. But the two-chair turn deployed what might have been an excess of vibrato and at times sounded uncertain rather than vulnerable.


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William Alexander (Team Reba), “ceilings” — Grade: B | Like Anya before him, this first-generation Indian-American revealed a memorable tone. But this two-chair turn’s vocal was richer and creamier, and overall he came off more polished and in control of his instrument. Plus, he made Reba emotional; that’s always a good sign, no?

Alyssa Crosby (Team Reba), “Hand in My Pocket” — Grade: B- | I’m not sure that Alanis Morissette’s hit was the best song choice for this self-described cat lady; she sounded a little more karaoke on it than she could’ve wanted to. But at least the number allowed her to demonstrate enough range and prowess to inspire a last-minute chair turn from Reba.

RLetto (Team Chance), “Golden Hour” — Grade: B+ | The erstwhile Reggie Lett, who likens himself to what would happen if Doja Cat and The Weeknd had a baby, did a good job on JVKE’s smash that was probably better than good except that I couldn’t stop wishing that it was as amazing as Bodie’s rendition in Season 22. Maybe what I was hearing was what John suggested was some needed “tightening” of the two-chair turn’s skills.


Bri Fletcher (Team Chance), “I’m With You” — Grade: C | For once, I wasn’t sorry that a Blind got abbreviated. Even the one coach who turned for Bri admitted that she had been “a little pitchy.” But he had high hopes for her belting range. Er, “if it’s on pitch,” he added.

Mafe (Team Legend), “Besame Mucho” — Grade: A | Hands down, this 22-year old, whose family emigrated from Venezuela when she was 15, delivered the performance of the day. The four-chair turn’s version of the classic ballad was so tenderly sung, so full of raw emotion, it made even grumpy old me want to cry — from my ears! As John put it, “That was thrilling.” Agreed. (Have a listen below.)

So, who stood out to you Tuesday night? Vote in the poll below, then hit the comments.

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