
Virgo Daily Horoscope – June 6 2020

We have now moved into the eclipse season with the Full Moon eclipse which just took place…

There will be 3 eclipses this season:

- the one just now - the New Moon eclipse on June 21 - the second Full Moon eclipse on July 5 The Full Moon eclipse now is about LETTING GO… It will move us into the waning cycle which is the time to release and just be as much as possible.

Where was the eclipse for you?

The last few weeks have most likely seen you giving Number One priority to your career or looking for work or doing whatever you do that the world recognises you for. If that’s the case, you can expect your personal life to start demanding some more of your attention now, as the Full Moon eclipse takes place across your career and family zones. It’s all very fabulous doing brilliantly at work and getting kudos (or at least managing to hold your own). But don’t let your ego lead you into thinking that that’s the most important part of life. Because it’s just not. Sure, there will be time to start to focus again on your professional life, but right now, if you listen to the Stars, you will hear them reminding you to take care of your personal life.

In two weeks, the energy changes drastically!

We will get a New Moon eclipse which is the time to - start over - manifest, manifest, manifest! - set intentions - make wishes - take a new tack in life
So start to think about what you want to create in your life as we (bopefully!) emergy from lockdown. What has this time taught you about how you want your life to look? These are powerful times for change, so …

Get clear on your intentions!

To help everyone make the most of this very special New Moon eclipse which is coming at such an important time in the world, I will be holding a FREE New Moon Eclipse Masterclass on the day of the New Moon eclipse on June 21. And guess what? it’s free … for anyone who has already pre-ordered or who pre-orders my 2021 Moonology Diary (which by the way you can do here) Want to be notified about when registration opens? Let me know here