
Virgo Daily Horoscope – December 27 2019

The Promises and Pressures of 2020

I have a free end of year gift that I would like to offer you – my annual Promises and Pressures report – it tells you all about the opportunities and challenges awaiting you in the year ahead. You can download it instantly here.

And now for a taster of the year ahead – a brief 2020 overview

The good news for you is that it looks like you’re going to have more fun in 2020. You tend to minimise your own need to let your hair down at the best of times but this condition became acute in 2019. Thankfully the worst of that cycle is over and while you’re probably still a little bit too diligent for your own good, overall 2020 should bring more fun.

Want to go deeper?

Get your full 56-page 2020 horoscope eZine and my Create Plan & Predict 2020 Kit here.