"I tried CBD to help me sleep – and it changed my life"

cbd oil
Can CBD oil actually help you sleep better?ArtistGNDphotography - Getty Images

There is nothing more frustrating than struggling to get a good night's sleep. From waking up groggy, not being able to focus at work, and rocking those undesirable eye bags, a lack of sleep can have countless negative knock-on effects in our everyday lives.

Which is why it's so worrying that nearly 3/4 of UK adults don't get the recommended seven to nine hours of sleep each night. And it gets worse, too, as one in seven (14%) of Brits admit to functioning on less than five hours a night. So it's no surprise that one in eight of us report feeling 'tired all the time'.

However, it's not all doom and gloom, as we may have found a way to put our busy minds at ease, and actually get some good quality rest. Cue: CDB oil. You'll likely be aware of the buzz around the holistic alternative (and its various offshoots: CBD gummies, CBD-infused lotion and even CBD tea). Plus, its anxiety-reducing qualities that have long been doing the rounds – but is CBD oil also good for sleep? If you're asking team Cosmopolitan UK, the answer is a solid 'yes'.

For me, prior to trying CBD oil, a typical night would go something like this: I'd lie still in the dark, feeling as though something was rushing towards me, a dense unidentifiable mass – huge and heavy – aiming for my head. I'd move away just in time, jolting myself awake. This happened three or four nights a week; just an hour or so after falling asleep, my heart would thump so loud I could feel it in my eardrums and I'd be awake again. Shaking, feeling the adrenaline moving around my legs.


I was diagnosed with Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) at the age of 20, having first (unknowingly) shown symptoms at seven. After a failed counselling attempt, an allergic reaction to an SSRI and, finally, successfully undertaking months of EMDR therapy privately, I felt I had 'overcome my traumas'. That was, until in the early hours of an unexpected Monday morning when my sleep was abruptly broken by the sheer panic of feeling like heavy objects were falling on my head.

After speaking with a GP I learned that I had a diagnosable sleep condition commonly caused by trauma and anxiety; 'hypnopompic hallucinations.' This is described as a multi-sensory experience that can happen just as you're waking up, in those moments when you're neither asleep nor awake. And the ones that send your anxiety into full spin, and your stomach into knots. According to my GP, the only way it would stop was if I truly 'dealt with my anxiety' – especially that which had begun spiking around bedtime.

What followed was a lot of relentless Googling, before stumbling across a vast number of videos, forum entries and social media posts about the benefits of CBD products specifically for sleep. Not only were they helping people to sleep, but also relieving symptoms of anxiety and soothing physical ailments. It was also something I'd heard chatter about in the office, with a fellow Cosmopolitan staffer swearing by CBD oil in moments of panic and CBD gummies at night. I was growing more and more tired (literally) of my sleep situation and the underlying anxiety I'd become accustomed to, and felt anything was worth a try.

So, I quizzed a few experts on how CBD can be used to induce restful sleep – and put it to the test myself...

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Mavocado - Getty Images

Does CBD oil help with sleep?

I took my first dose of CBD oil – via a pipette, dispensing a few drops under my tongue – on a Saturday afternoon and quickly, I felt the positive impact it had. From the Sunday, I slept soundly every single night for the following two months. Honestly, it was that quick – and it went on for eight glorious weeks. Uninterrupted, panic-free, blissful sleep. I felt better in every way.


But it wasn't to last, as after those two months, my former sleep terrors began creeping back in once or twice a week, and I was truly devastated. My new routine had been working, so what happened? My only thought was increase my CBD dose, which I did safely with research and guidance. And you know what happened? Once again, I was away.

But it wasn't just my sleep that benefited from my CBD endeavours either. My thoughts weren't as chaotic; I felt that I could carefully sift through them, categorise them and act on them. I had clarity, I could focus and it felt as if every process in my body was working better. My digestion, my sex life, my emotional agility, plus sleep, all tied in and were working in harmony for the first time in forever.

I felt and became more pleasant, more patient and more consistently stable. PTSD provides peaks and troughs; CBD oil provided stability.

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Catherine Falls Commercial - Getty Images

From an expert: How does CBD oil work?

I spoke to Bea Lyus, Registered Nutritional Therapist, College of Naturopathic Medicine, and Resident CBD Expert at Cannabotech UK, to give me the lowdown on the oil. She explains: "We know very well that anxiety and stress contribute to sleep problems such as insomnia and that CBD can effectively reduce anxiety and stress, therefore aiding a better quality of sleep." However, she notes that a low dosage of CBD may actually cause alertness, whereas a higher dosage will help you to feel drowsy and sleepy.


Essentially, CBD works by activating our serotonin receptors, which in turn calm the mind and any anxious feelings. "It primarily interacts with our endocannabinoid system, which plays a role in regulating many processes in our bodies," adds Dr Simon Erridge, Head of Access and Research at Curaleaf Clinic. To unpack, our endocannabinoid system (ECS) is effectively our body's network system that sends signals to the brain, our nervous systems, immune cells and even organs.

Dr Erridge continues: "These receptors, which are found in the brain, spine, gut and immune system, play a role in regulating pain transmission, anxiety, inflammation and sleep. He states that the endocannabinoid system is an important regulator of circadian rhythm, aka the internal body clock that regulates sleep and awakening. "In lab studies, CBD has been shown to increase levels of a molecule called anandamide, which has independently been shown to promote sleep."

What is CBD oil?

First things first, CBD is not the same as marijuana - think of it as a non-psychoactive cousin of the plant. While CBD is one of the main active ingredients in cannabis, so is THC, which is what is responsible for the anxiety and paranoia commonly associated with marijuana use. CBD only provides the calming impact, so when extracted on its own, it means you're only getting the 'good' bits, so to speak.

Is it legal to use CBD for sleep in the UK?

As long as it contains less than 0.2% THC, CBD is legal to use. It's often sold as a food supplement or herbal medicine in the UK, which was also "first country in the world to regulate CBD for oral consumption," states Lyus. She adds that the Food Standards Agency's public list of cannabinoid (CBD) products outlines what is permitted for consumer sale.


"Only the CBD products featured on the list have been given the green light by the FSA to stay on the market, in line with the UK's Novel Food requirements, and any products not included must be removed from shelves," Lyus details.

However, Dr Erridge notes that Food Standards Agency "assessed 30 CBD products purchased from online sellers in England and Wales." In this analysis, "THC was detected in 87% of samples, of which 40% had higher than permitted levels of THC. As such if you are considering accessing CBD products for a medical condition it is important to consult an appropriately trained doctor."

The bottom line? Be sure to do your research when choosing a CBD product, but as long as you're shopping from a reputable retailer, such as Boots or Holland & Barrett, you'll be fine.

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Natalia Lebedinskaia - Getty Images

Does CBD oil get you high?

Because CBD itself isn't psychoactive, it does not directly activate the receptor responsible for this effect. Rather, as previously noted, it's the separate cannabinoid THC that causes 'highs' associated with cannabis.

Lyus reveals that there are "over 100 different types of cannabinoids" and it's important to differentiate between CBD and THC. CBD (or 'cannabidiol') is the most known for its health-supporting benefits.

She adds that THC (or 'tetrahydrocannabinol') is a controlled substance and is illegal in most countries worldwide, going on to explain that there are "three different kinds of CBDs which are commonly available on the market." These include full-spectrum, broad-spectrum and CBD isolate."

She adds that CBD isolate only contains CBD and no other cannabinoids, emphasising the zero THC fact. "With isolate, you can guarantee the amount of CBD per crop; it is pure and odourless plus there is no potential allergic reaction to other ingredients found in the hemp plant. This is backed up by a very recent study in the Lancet Psychiatry."

To conclude, "if you use a CBD with THC within the legal limit, it will not get you high," Lyus confirms. "Better still, if you use broad-spectrum or CBD isolate, it will never make you high as they contain zero per cent THC."

How long does CBD oil take to work for sleep?

This isn't really a one-size-fits-all answer, as every brain and body works and reacts differently. For me personally, I noticed the anxiety-reducing effects of CBD within around half an hour - but that might not be the same for others.

As for the longer-term benefits, these became clearer after around two weeks, and I stopped taking any CBD oil for my sleep after about six months. The truth is, I simply didn't need it anymore.

Lyus reiterates: "We are all different individuals, so it may take longer for some people than others. Anecdotal evidence suggests it can take up to 15 minutes when using an oil, drop, tincture or mouth spray. Though, tablets and creams can take longer."

Nutritionist Lara Buckle agrees, adding that "individual differences in metabolism can influence how quickly the effects are felt." While some people may experience benefits relatively quickly, others may require more time.

She expands: "Building a habit with CBD for sleep may involve consistent and regular use. It's advisable to start with a lower dose and gradually increase if needed. However, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regime, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking other medications."

Ultimately, when I go through periods of stress, I still experience the occasional sleep disturbance. Thankfully, because of the benefits that CBD oil can have for sleep, they're nothing like the nightly battle I was having before.

The best CBD products for sleep

What else could I try for a better sleep?

If CBD oil doesn't sound like something you want to try (at the end of the day, it's what you feel comfortable with), there are other alternative products that can potentially help with sleep problems. Buckle suggests melatonin, the hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle.

She says that melatonin supplements may be beneficial for some individuals, "especially those with circadian rhythm disruptions." Additionally, "valerian root is also a popular herbal supplement that has been traditionally used as a remedy for sleep disorders."

Buckle continues: "Magnesium is a mineral that plays a role in muscle relaxation and may have calming effects, making it potentially beneficial for sleep." She goes on to recommend a bath before bed with magnesium flakes or Epsom salts, as these have been effective for many.

"Of course, general lifestyle changes, such as establishing a consistent sleep schedule, creating a relaxing bedtime routine and optimising sleep hygiene practises, such as having a cool, dark bedroom, and limiting screen time before bed, can contribute to better sleep," she concludes.

This article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice or diagnosis. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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