There are 15 bars from Asia in the World's 50 Best Bars list

Last week, The World's 50 Best Bars 2021 unveiled an extended list of chart-topping bars from around the world, from position 51 to 100. This week, they are revealing the top bars in the world from number 1 to 50.

Without further ado, let's take a look at number 51-100 on the list of World's Best Bars 2021!

World's Best Bar List 1-50
World's Best Bar List 1-50

15 entries in top 50 from Asia

There are a total of 15 entries from Asia in the top 50 list. Here's a look at all the bars that make the list in Asia.

7: Coa (Hongkong, China)

9: Jigger & Pony (Singapore)

15: Manhattan (Singapore)

16: Atlas (Singapore)

18: The SG Club (Tokyo, Japan)

26: No Sleep Club (Singapore)

32: Bar Benfiddich (Tokyo, Japan)

36: MO Bar (Singapore)

39: Sober Company (Shanghai, China)

41: Epic (Shanghai, China)

42: Charles H (Seoul, South Korea)

43: Tippling Club (Singapore)

47: Sidecar (New Delhi, India)

49: Darkside (Hongkong, China)

50: Quinary (Hongkong, China)

Let's raise a toast to the winners by heading to your fridge and grabbing your favourite tipple!