Taurus Daily Horoscope – September 23 2019

The changing of the seasons…

When people say – for example – that Down Under, September 1 is the start of spring, or in the northern hemisphere that September 1 is the start of autumn … in my opinion that is utter nonsense and maybe even some kind of mad plot to disassociate us humans from the planet (Don’t go there – Ed) *insert smile*

Fact is that as an astrologer, I firmly regard the move (called an ingress) of the Sun into Libra – which is happening today – as the changing of the seasons. (The move of the Sun into the other three Cardinal signs of Aries, Moonchild/Cancer and Capricorn marks the other three seasons).

That how it always was until “they” moved the dates to the arbitrary start of the month for no apparent reason except that it’s convenient/you don’t have to actually know the day of the ingress, which can vary by a day or three from year to year..

Anyway, as the Sun changes signs, it’s also moving around your chart – so here is …

What the Sun into Libra means for you …

It’s all very well coasting along and hoping that life will fall into place, but as the Sun moves into your 6th house, it’s time to think about the structure of your days. What responsibilities do you have which you just can’t be lax about and is your life organised in such a way so that you can get all that you need to get done, done. Think about your routines – are they helping or hindering you. This is also the start of a four week period when you would do well to look at your health – not because you are going to get sick but because it’s the ideal moment to make sure you’re looking after yourself. Finally, it’s a month-long cycle where you need to think less about how to serve your own needs and more about how to help others.

Astrology is more popular than ever…

Have you noticed? However it’s a big subject and there’s tons of amazing info to learn. If you would like to start, try my free 3-part online mini-course that will take you just a little beyond some of the basics. It’s here.