Shania Twain Debuts New Blonde Hair Look and Is Now Completely Unrecognizable

shania twain
Shania Twain Is Fully Unrecognizable as a BlondeGetty Images

Shania Twain is currently promoting her new album Queen Of Me (which is literally out today!), and recently showed up at a Republic Records event looking completely unrecognizable/completely amazing with long blonde hair. Like, genuinely did a double take:

baileys hosts cocktails with republic records artists
Phillip Faraone - Getty Images
baileys hosts cocktails with republic records artists
Kevin Mazur - Getty Images


Reminder that Shania will be presenting at the Grammy Awards on Sunday, so here's to hoping she shows up wearing her full "That Don't Impress Me Much" leopard print fit:

Shania also recently teased a duet with Harry Styles (they performed together at Coachella last year) during a conversation with Entertainment Tonight, saying, "Everyone on the planet, even if they don't admit it, wants to sing with Harry Styles. Because, well, there's so many reasons. I can give you a long list of reasons. I was lucky enough to already do that.... I do have a dream. I do love his song 'Falling.' So if I did that, a duet with him on that, that would be awesome."

Truer words. And Shania's about to embark on a tour, so here's to hoping Harry will show up! Go ahead and stream Queen of Me 'til then, which Shania said is a super positive album that she wrote to keep herself in good spirits.

"I was bent on staying positive, and keeping myself on a very optimistic track," she explained to ET. "So, if I was thinking about something negative or I was, you know, thinking about something that was irking me or I [was in the] wrong frame of mind, for whatever reason, [writing would allow me to] snap myself out of it. Turn it around, make it positive."

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