Scorpio Daily Horoscope – February 26 2020

Your daily forecast

TIf a romantic situation has cooled off recently, it could be related to Mercury retrograde in your 5th house of romance and fun. You may experience a reprieve from the confusion as Mercury receives a kind of cosmic immunity from the usual retrograde issues today. Coupled with this, you have Mars, your patron planet lending support. If you’ve been in doubt whether to make the first move in a stalled romance, you’ve got the cosmos on side to take action and get the ball rolling again. Whatever happens, decisive action is more empowering than waiting on a maybe.

Calling anyone in or near London!

Will you be in or near London? I’m doing what will almost certainly be my only all-day London workshop on March 28, to take you all the way to the Moon and back – learn how to manifest your dreams with the Moon as your timer. Info here.