Scorpio Daily Horoscope – 17 January 2022

What the current Full Moon means for you…

Of course, it’s as tempting for you as it is for everyone else to focus on yourself and your own pleasures. Perhaps you’re one of the Creative Types out there. Why shouldn’t you express yourself? Of course you should! Life is for living and having fun. However, this month’s Full Moon in your 11th House is reminding you that you need to find a balance between indulging yourself in a bit of what you fancy and remembering that the people in your life also need some attention. They need some attention from you. Whatever you do now for someone else, you get extra karmic Brownie points for. This also makes the coming month good for networking. PS My much-loved 7-day Moonology Manifesting Challenge IS BACK! It’s going to be EXTRAORDINARY and completely free for you! Register here.