Sagittarius Daily Horoscope – September 30 2019

How was the New Moon for you?…

The weekend brought the New Moon in Libra – we are still in the New Moon phase… so have you made your wishes and set your intentions? It’s a far more powerful exercise than you might think! Free tools to do that here.

Your daily stars…

Whether it’s making a great impression within your professional circles or you’re simply spending more time with some of your closest friends, it’s been a busy few weeks! The energy isn’t set to die down any time soon, as action planet Mars begins to rev-up for a once-in-every-two-year visit. If it feels like you’re burning the candle at both ends, take the opportunity to rest and recharge a little. With the New Moon still fresh, it might be ideal to set your intentions about what you want to achieve socially over the next several weeks.