Sagittarius Daily Horoscope – January 6 2020

Your daily forecast

The same part of your chart which has been a battleground is turning magical today and over the next few days…

Here’s where the numinosity is for you…

Right now it’s all about your and your self-esteem. It seems like the world is waking up. I read the other day that we have all been into “wellness” for a decade now. Hurrah, right? And one of the most important things to come out of this, if you ask me, is the idea of #self-love. Yes, it has its own hashtag! So how is your #self-love? Now is the time to work on your self-love and your self-esteem. It’ll change your lifel
PS Click here for a summary of the most important 2020 dates to keep an eye on, if you want to live intentionally this year.