Sagittarius Daily Horoscope – December 26 2019

As you might know there is a New Moon eclipse happening – click here for the times around he world.
Are you ready to make the most of it?
I will be doing a free New Moon ceremony online. To register, click here. Meanwhile here is what the New Moon eclipse means for you.
There are some powerful energies around this week and they could well leave you better off financially than you have been in a while. Expect at least one new source of income to open up for you this year. If you do want more cash, it’s crucial to realise that money is energy. It basically responds to our thoughts. If you under-sell yourself, people are unlikely to insist on paying you more (well, unless you’re really lucky and terribly charismatic!) If your self-image hasn’t recovered from a recent battering, take steps to change that, not just because it will boost your bank account but also because solid self-esteem is crucial. Start to stand up to others – see a professional counsellor about this if you think you need to.

The Promises and Pressures of 2020

I have a free gift I would like to offer you – my annual Promises and Pressures report – it tells you all about the opportunities and challenges awaiting you in the year ahead. You can download it instantly here.