Easy Ways to Blast Belly Fat

Try the cutting-edge plan that has helped thousands of women (and men) conquer belly fat! Drop a dress size in a month with The Flat Belly Diet while eating peanut butter, avocado and even chocolate every day! The diet has been developed by, and exclusively for, Prevention.

The three basics are:

  • Stick to 1,600 kJ (400 cal) per meal

  • Never go more than 4 hours without eating

  • Eat a MUFA (food containing monounsaturated fatty acids) at every meal. A MUFA is a type of heart-healthy disease-fighting 'good' fat you find in foods such as almonds, peanut butter, olive oil and dark chocolate. A 2007 study found these foods specifically target belly fat.

MORE: Top 10 Foods to Burn Belly Fat


Order the Flat Belly Diet cookbook today