
A Better Butt in 60 Seconds

There’s only one move you need to know: the holy grail for a pert backside is the humble squat. (And if standard squats aren’t your ‘thing’, read on—we have some variations so you can mix it up a little.) “Squats are a fantastic exercise for the entire lower half of your body and you can do them anywhere,” explains fitness trainer Leanne Shear. “Women sometimes carry extra weight in their hip and butt areas, and squats are the ideal way to firm up those troublesome spots.” Proper form is key to sculpting a perky posterior and staying pain-free. “Bending your knees first is a big no-no,” says Shear. Instead, the weight has to be in your heels. Follow this easy routine and create the butt of your dreams, pronto!

1. The Chair Squat

Stand with your back facing a chair, shoulders rolled back, chest facing forward and chin up, feet shoulder-width apart. Slowly lower your butt to the chair, tap it on the seat, then rise. Repeat 15-20 times.

2. Standard Squat

Stand with shoulders rolled back, chest facing forward and chin up, feet shoulder-width apart. Swing your hips back, then stick your butt out and slowly lower it towards the ground. Repeat 15-20 times.

3. One-Legged Squat

Stand next to a pole or another stable structure, holding on with your left hand. Raise your right leg and
hold it out straight. Keeping proper squat form, bend at the hips and lower your left knee (make sure your back isn’t bending and your left knee isn’t going out past your toes). Return to standing, repeat 15-20 times and then switch sides.

4. Simple Side Squat

Mix this move up by holding hand weights to increase the burn. Stand with your legs together, then step to the side with the right leg and lower into a squat. Stand up, slowly bringing your left leg in to meet the right leg. Do 10 squats in that direction, then 10 in the opposite direction.

5. Whirling Squat

The simplest strategy for getting a pert posterior? With feet shoulder-width apart, rest your weight in your heels and swing your hips back into a full standard squat. From the squat, jump up and turn 180 degrees to the left so that you land (in a squat) facing the opposite direction. Repeat, landing in your original location. Do 10-15 times. Take a short 10-second break, then repeat in the other direction.

6. The Goddess Squat

Elevate yourself to goddess status after cranking out a few reps of these butt-clenchers. Assume a wide-legged stance, with your toes pointing out to either side, like a plié. Bend your knees so that your thighs are parallel to the ground, with your butt remaining under your body rather than sticking out behind you. For an added challenge, jump up, keeping your legs wide, and land in the modified squat position. For best results, do 15-20 reps.

7. The Sumo Squat

Want buttocks of steel? This Sumo Squat will get you there. Stand with your legs wide apart and toes pointing forward. Swing your hips back into a standard squat. Return to standing while kicking your right leg straight in front of your body. Return to the standard squat position and do the same on the left leg. Alternate until you’ve done 20 reps.

8. Easy Goblet Squat

You’ll feel less ‘goblet’ and more Champagne flute after trying this move. In standard squat position, clasp your hands in front of your chest, elbows extending away from the body (or hold a dumbbell vertically in front of you). Swing your hips back into a squat and lower as far down as possible. Bring your butt as close to the ground as you can. Keeping your weight in your heels, push yourself back up to the starting position. Repeat 10-15 times.

9. Basic Squat Jump

It’s as easy as squat, and jump! With feet shoulder-width apart, rest your weight in your heels and swing your hips back into a full standard squat. From the squat position, jump up and then land back in the squat position. Do 15-20 reps and get ready to look amazing in jeans!


10 Ways to a Better Butt
Great Legs in 4 Moves