Eating on the run? It might make you eat more

Eating on the run? It might make you eat more

Eating while you’re walking may feel like an efficient way to enjoy lunch, but research suggests it could lead to overindulging later.

During the study, researchers recruited 60 female volunteers and split them into three groups. Each group was asked to eat a muesli bar under different circumstances – watching TV, while walking or while talking to a friend.

They were then given a taste test where they were allowed to eat as many carrot sticks, grapes, M&Ms and potato chips as they liked.

During the taste test, those participants who were watching their weight ate less if they’d eaten their muesli bar in front of the TV. Those who ate while walking ate more during the taste test period.

According to researchers, eating while you walk may not register as eating, lead study author Jane Odgen hypothesised. “The trick is to try and eat in a conscious and focused way – mindfully,” she said.

More: Clean up your diet!

Instead of quickly scoffing a sandwich on your way back to the office, take the time to step away from your desk and eat your lunch separately. And savour each mouthful – your tastebuds, and waistline will than you for it.


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