What's inside the August/September issue of Prevention?

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Okay, confession time. I haven’t always passionately loved exercise the way I do now.

In fact, as a child, my lack of sportiness was almost legendary, something made even more ironic by the fact many happy weekends were spent watching my super-sporty Dad play state-level cricket and hockey. Fast forward 30 years and things couldn’t be more different. And, when I look back, it’s all thanks to one crazy goal: to be fit enough to run 10km in time for my 40th birthday - something I never in my wildest dreams thought would be possible.

Since then I’ve tackled all manner of amazing fitness challenges, and loved every second. I’ve run 10km through vineyards in the NSW Hunter Valley. Tackled my first half-marathon (yes, a whole 21km!). And most recently, done the incredibly picturesque Great Whitehaven Beach Run off Hamilton Island.

More: Study finds exercise may ward off depression

But the icing on the exercise cake was without doubt in March this year, when I signed up for the 55km Sydney Coastrek as part of a four-person team. Think soft sand, steep hills, and walking 290,600 steps all the way from Palm Beach to Balmoral in 30 degree heat. It was, in a word, gruelling. But as I wondered what I’d gotten myself in for as we trekked the route for 13 long, long hours, one simple thing kept me going: the incredible camaraderie of my three team mates and the 1400 other dedicated Coastrekkers, all committed to a common cause: raising funds for the inspiring work of the Fred Hollows Foundation.

More: 10 ways to achieve your fitness goals fast!

Case in point? Around 10 hours in, thanks to the heat, my salt cravings had reached epic proportions and all I could think (and talk) about was salt and vinegar chips. Lo and behold, as we walked through the North Head car park on the approach to Manly, a group of Coastrekkers taking a break overheard my food ravings, ran to their support vehicle, and without hesitation pulled a multi-pack of Smiths out of their boot, gifting them not only to me but to my entire team as we powered towards the finish line.

Now that’s generosity in action - and irrefutable proof that when a group of people are united together in a common goal, absolutely anything is possible.

Pick up our latest issue for our interview with Sally Obermeder. Photo: Juli Balla

Also in this issue? Some of our favourite real food trends, a new and easy sugar detox, and an interview with TV presenter turned smoothie queen, Sally Obermeder. Be sure to get in touch and tell me what you think of the issue via editor@preventionmagazine.com.au or on Twitter. I'd love to hear from you.
