Week 35 of your Pregnancy


If you haven’t already done so, it’s a good idea to get your hospital bag packed now. Check that your camera battery is charged and there’s a media card in the camera if you need one. Are you bringing a video? Make sure you’ve got all the bits you need. There’s lots to think about so start making some lists. You’ll want a phone list for your partner to let people know the good news when your little one arrives. If you are still at work, it won’t be long before you finish up and you might be feeling lots of pressure to get things done at work. It’s hard to believe but in a couple of weeks, work will probably be the furthest thing possible from your mind, as you will be completely taken over by the wonder of seeing your baby, whose future will extend beyond your lifetime and who will be a far more important part of your life’s work than your job.


Your baby is around 47cm long and weighs around 2.6kg now. He is running out of space and probably isn’t kicking and nudging you quite so forcefully now. Do keep an eye on his kicks though and let your caregiver know if you think he has been quiet for too long. His reflexes are becoming more co-ordinated now and his lungs are almost completely developed.

Photo: Fetus at 35 weeks
Scan provided by Sydney Ultrasound for Women

3rd Trimester Week by Week

Week 27
Week 28
Week 29
Week 30
Week 31
Week 32
Week 33
Week 34
Week 35
Week 36
Week 37
Week 38
Week 39
Week 40

1st Trimester
(Weeks 1-12)
2nd Trimester
(Weeks 26-40)

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* Baby name trends
* Shopping for a baby checklist
* Hospital bag checklist

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