Week 33 of your Pregnancy


You are likely to be experiencing some backache and hip pain due to the added weight of your bump. Some women find relief using a specialist maternity support, so you might like to check your healthcare provider about trying one if you're uncomfortable.

You might also be in countering the discomfort of unrelenting haemorrhoids. To minimise training with constipation, another common occurrence during pregnancy, be sure to eat lots of fibre rich food and drink ample water.

Whether or not you've confirmed the sex of your baby at the 18 week ultrasound, potential names for your little one are likely swarming around your head as the final countdown nears. Choosing a baby name is a fun and exciting process and a great opportunity to involve your partner, so put your thinking caps on.


Your baby weighs around two kilograms now and he is about 43 cm long. His lungs are now maturing and will soon be ready to breathe air without help, thanks to the production of surfactant coating the alveoli in his lungs. He is now floating in about one litre of amniotic fluid, which he swims in. He swallows and excretes about half a litre each day too, giving his kidneys lots of practice.

Photo: Embryo at 33 weeks - Scan provided by
Sydney Ultrasound for Women

3rd Trimester Week by Week

Week 27
Week 28
Week 29
Week 30
Week 31
Week 32
Week 33
Week 34
Week 35
Week 36
Week 37
Week 38
Week 39
Week 40

1st Trimester
(Weeks 1-12)
2nd Trimester
(Weeks 26-40)

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