Daddy blogger's response to 'nastygram' goes viral

"Your baby's screams ruined our sleep". Photo: Dad on the Run

A stay-at-home dad has posted an open letter on his blog to the "nasty person" who slipped this note under his sister's hotel room door while on vacation in Colorado.

The note begins "Thank you for bringing a screaming baby to a ski resort and wake (sic) up everyone near your room, several times during the night".

The writer goes on to accuse the baby's parents of being selfish and inconsiderate of others, saying "Your baby's screams ruined our sleep Saturday and Sunday".

Dad on the run came out in defence of his sister and brother-in-law. He says his sister is a "kind and considerate parent" and points out that his brother-in-law is a brain surgeon who saves lives, and that his career is so demanding he has to make the most of the precious time he gets to spend with his family.

He criticises the note writer, saying "You choose to spew hatred and judgement on others even when it will bring no change to your own situation", suggesting that they should have packed earplugs or called the hotel front desk, rather than leaving a nasty note two days later.

The blogging dad has come under fire however, with most commenters siding with the nasty note writer. Some comments included, "You really don't get it. Your sister's entitlement destroyed other people's vacation", and "The author obviously does not understand that as a parent you have a responsibility to society too. If your child is teething, STAY AT HOME."

Read Dad On The Run's open letter in it's entirety.

Let us know your thoughts? Is the note writer a "nasty person" or should the baby's parents be more considerate?

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