People Are Talking About Reassuring Facts Not Many Other People Know About, And It's Quite Soothing To Hear

Recently, Reddit user Southern-Penalty posed the question, "What’s a reassuring fact that not many people know?" to the people of r/AskReddit. Here were their uplifting responses:

1."A cat's purr releases oxytocin and has a naturally calming effect."

Person gently petting a content cat under its chin with both hands
Anita Kot / Getty Images

2."Heart attacks seldom come out of the blue and strike without prior notice. There are almost always tellable signs in advance; listen to your body and get checked out in doubt."

Illustration of a heart with text listing heart attack signs: chest pain, headache, difficulty breathing, nausea, indigestion, and more
Veronika Zakharova / Getty Images/Science Photo Library RF

3."Your brain is constantly rewiring itself, so even if you're stuck in a bad habit or mindset, you can always change it with enough effort, no matter how old you are."

Diagram titled "Neuroplasticity" with branches: Brain Adaptability, Memory Formation, Experience Driven Changes, Learning Changes, Injury Recovery, Environmental Influence, Therapeutic Potential, Developmental Flexibility
Marekuliasz / Getty Images

4."A trick I learned lately that's been saving my ass (I've had a stressful three months) is that if your brain is ever stuck in What if happens? you can easily fix it by thinking, What if happens? Instant rewire. Lasts long enough to get to sleep. For example, I was stressing about failing an entrance exam and thinking. What if I got an F? Fixed by thinking, what if I got an A? My Brain immediately switched to, Wow, that'd be so cool!"I got a B, which was enough."

Illustration of three people around a stylized brain with colorful neural pathways, symbolizing connection and communication in a natural setting
Vectormine / Getty Images

5."You never feel like a grown-up. You mostly just fake it and assume everyone else is an actual adult. My data is only valid from ages 0 to 46 years of age."

Three people sitting at a table in a restaurant, two making playful hand gestures, and all smiling
Jena Ardell / Getty Images

6."Regarding microplastics: this is not the first time this has happened. We have coal deep below the ground today because nothing existed to decompose trees for millions of years. They just built up and up and up in ever-deeper layers. Eventually, something evolved to fill that niche, and today, we have termites, fungi, wood-eating bacteria, and dozens of ways the natural world can break down trees. The same will happen with plastics. It will go away in time."

A large, sprawling tree with twisting branches and full foliage in a park setting
Sharon Lapkin / Getty Images

7."The only 'normal' people are the ones you don’t know very well. Everyone is weird in their own unique way."

Person smiling, holding a cat with a larger image of the cat superimposed in the background. The person wears a patterned outfit
Ryanjlane / Getty Images

8."There’s a lot of good government agencies trying to make things better. I work for a wastewater treatment plant that aims to do better than current guidelines and has been an industry leader in reducing emissions and protecting the environment. We’re among 60 of 20,000 agencies who have had 26 perfect years of protections. A lot of us want to make this world better and got into government to make things better."

Aerial view of a wastewater treatment plant with circular tanks and surrounding buildings, showcasing infrastructure layout
Suriyapong Thongsawang / Getty Images

9."Actions have consequences, which usually refers to negative things when people say it, but if actions have consequences, then positive actions can have positive consequences. This was a big realization for me to find hope and motivation in the depths of depression."

Two people in swimsuits smiling and hugging while standing in the ocean
Middelveld / Getty Images

10."Your dog dreams about you <3."

A small puppy sleeps on a cozy dog bed, surrounded by plush toys
Solstock / Getty Images

11."Crime rates have continuously gone down year after year after year; objectively, the world is a safer place than it was (for crime anyways) years ago. The news just talks about it more now."

Sunset casts orange light behind silhouetted palm trees, with clouds and power lines in the sky
Nurphoto / NurPhoto via Getty Images

12."Something like 130,000 people escape from extreme poverty every single day."

People working in a computer lab, focusing on the screens. A woman assists another with a task
Arif Ali / AFP via Getty Images

13."You are a mosaic of everything and everyone you've ever loved."

A joyful family with a young girl smiling at the camera, outdoors in a natural setting
Ronnie Kaufman / Getty Images

14."Sharks were swimming around before TREES were alive on Earth. They’ll probably still be here when we are gone. Extra super sharky resilience!!! 💖"

Shark swimming underwater with mouth open, showing sharp teeth
Philip Thurston / Getty Images

15."When I lose something, I find it comforting to know that it is somewhere. Sounds silly, but it makes me feel better."

Dog sniffing a sock on a gravel surface

16."You're currently on your personal best for most consecutive days alive, and tomorrow you're going to break your current personal best for most consecutive days alive."

Two people pose playfully at a train station. One wears sunglasses and an off-shoulder top, the other uses a film camera and wears a cap backwards

17."Centralia, PA — the site of the long-burning underground fire — has been reclaimed by nature. I was there several years ago as a last-minute decision on the way to somewhere else, and I was interested in seeing the Silent-Hill-style landscape and the big stretches of graffiti. It’s not there anymore. It’s big, beautiful plants and trees. If you know what you’re looking for, you can figure out where parts of individual houses are based on the pipes that remain, but that’s largely it. It was so comforting to be there, in a weird way. "

Smoke rising from a small hole in barren ground, possibly indicating underground activity or heat. Sparse landscape with minimal vegetation
Leif Skoogfors / Getty

18."Dogs think we’re cute as well, like we see them 😂 and cats think we’re weird cats."

Cat looking up at the camera, rubbing against a person's leg. The floorboards are visible in the background
Benni Schtzenhofer / Getty Images/500px

19."Humans have a natural ability to adapt to almost any situation, so no matter what happens, you’ll find a way to cope."

Person from the back tying a headscarf, wearing a short-sleeved top, against a clear sky


Alvaro Medina Jurado / Getty Images

20."If Mr. Rogers met you there's a strong chance he'd be very proud of how far you've come."

Smiling person wearing a cardigan and tie sits at a table with folded arms, in a cozy interior setting

21.And finally, "Smiling, even if you don't feel like it, can actually improve your mood."

Close-up of a person smiling with straight, white teeth and smooth lips
Luckybusiness / Getty Images