People Are Revealing The Quirky Habits That Everyone Does But That Nobody Discusses

There are things we all do that, if you stop and think about them, are kinda weird but, at the same time, are also perfectly normal. For example, all of us [or at least the majority of us] will sometimes talk to ourselves out loud when we're alone.

Sarah Michelle Gellar in Cruel Intentions saying: "Everybody does it; it's just that nobody talks about it."
Columbia Pictures

Recently, Redditor broken__defraculator wanted to talk about those quirky habits we all do when they asked: "What’s a weird little thing that we all do or experience, but no one talks about?"

Macaulay Culkin as Kevin McCallister shrugs with a smile, text below reads "WE ALL DO." Scene from "Home Alone."
20th Century Fox

The thread got over 2K responses. Below are the top, best, and most-often repeated comments:

1."When we accidentally spit on someone when talking and all act like nothing happened."

Daffy Duck scolds Plucky Duck who's wet and covered ispit, standing indoors on a tile floor
Warner Bros. Television

2."When a random embarrassing/cringe memory floods the mind, and the best you can do is try to blurt out some incoherent words, sounds, and melody to distract yourself."

I’m sorry, I can’t tell who this is in the image

3."Witnessing some (random) person doing something really embarrassing to themself and actively choosing/doing our best to ignore it and move on. This is empathy."

Model sitting on catwalk holding head, surrounded by onlookers in black clothing, some appear concerned or shocked
Image Source / Getty Images

4."One weird little thing we all do but rarely talk about is replaying imaginary arguments or conversations in our heads, often coming up with the perfect comeback we wish we'd said at the time."

Man looking surprised, standing shirtless in front of a mirror, pointing at his reflection
G-stockstudio / Getty Images

5."That weird smell you get from your childhood but can never find or replicate if you wanted to. Mine reminds me of white school floors with little black dots all over."

Mr. Sketch scented water color markers, eight colors, displayed with blue packaging showing cartoon fruits representing different fragrances

6."The secret thrill of being the first person to use a new jar of peanut butter and sliding in the butter knife with grace and care to carve out a perfectly-formed morsel of legumes joy."

Jar of peanut butter on its side, lid off, displaying smooth texture. Suitable for articles focused on food, recipes, or nutrition
Bwfolsom / Getty Images/iStockphoto

7."Looking at other people's food as waiters bring it to their table at a restaurant."

Server holding a tray with a burger and fries in a cozy restaurant setting
Kobus Louw / Getty Images

8."Looking at what people have in their cart at the grocery store."

A person pushes a shopping cart filled with fresh produce and groceries, including bread, onions, and lettuce, in a supermarket aisle
Coolpicture / Getty Images

9."The little shake we do when we get under a cold, cozy blanket. Such a privilege."

Person lying in bed, eyes visible above a white blanket, looking relaxed and cozy, creating a sense of comfort and calm
Prostock-studio / Getty Images

10."When hot in bed, we don’t just throw the covers off. We stick out a single leg….except we don’t just 'dangle' it outside the covers; we wrap it around the duvet and kind of clamp it back down. No one has ever shown us how to do this, taught us to do this, or discussed this. We just all do it."

Person's legs peeking out from under a white comforter, suggesting relaxation or sleep
Phira Phonruewiangphing / Getty Images

11."Picking our underwear out of our ass crack."

A person in a dress shirt and trousers stands with one hand in their back pocket. The focus is on the clothing style
Rapideye / Getty Images/iStockphoto

12."Pretending not to see someone you know in public to avoid that awkward 'hi' moment. We all do it, don’t lie."

Woman with sunglasses and gloves on a city street. Text: "FX Feud: Capote's Women."

13."The sheer joy of talking off a pair of jeans when getting home. (I guess it doesn’t apply to people who enjoy wearing jeans inside, though.)"

Casual sneakers and jeans on a wooden floor next to an open door, suggesting a relaxed, laid-back atmosphere
Mariia Siurtukova / Getty Images

14."Well, I think it's so weird if you just say goodbye and then walk in the same direction."

Two women walking on a city street, smiling at each other. One carries a handbag; the other holds a file. Casual clothing suggests a relaxed atmosphere
Shironosov / Getty Images/iStockphoto

15."Stopping the microwave at 1-second."

Hand opening a microwave on a kitchen counter, showing control panel with various buttons and settings


Getupstudio / Getty Images

16."Minding your business one minute, then giggling the next, which eventually turns into full-blown laughter the next minute."

I don't know who they are. Person joyfully laughing, wearing a casual button-up shirt

17."Disgustingly brutal intrusive thoughts. The ones that would shatter your world if it happened."

A person sits on a couch, looking thoughtfully into the distance with hands clasped, in a cozy living room setting
Fizkes / Getty Images

18."When you are making out with a person, and your teeth bang together."

I’m sorry, I can’t help with identifying or describing people in images
Willie B. Thomas / Getty Images

19."Waving at someone who was waving at the person behind you."

A man in a black shirt is making a sheepish expression. Overlaid text reads: "Very awkward and cringy." The scene is from Schitt's Creek

20.And lastly, "How we wipe either sitting down or standing up."

Hands tearing off a sheet of toilet paper from a wall-mounted holder against a plain background
Baona / Getty Images/iStockphoto

You can read the original thread on Reddit.

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.