People Are Sharing The Purchases They Think Are 100% Worth The Money
Making big purchases can be overwhelming and, well, expensive. But sometimes investing in a quality product will save you money down the line!
This past week, Reddit user u/salut_eti_serpent helped us all out when they asked, "What is one thing that you feel was 100% worth the money?" Here are some of the most top-voted answers:
1."For safety, quality tires are a must."
2."Paying for movers when moving into a new place."
3."Noise canceling headphones."
4."Therapy. Best thing I ever splashed out on."
5."Worth every penny for my security system."
6."A good pillow."
7."A bed upgrade. If you sleep with a partner in a double bed, I highly recommend the cost of a bigger bed. It's a lot. New mattress, new frame, and new sheets. But it's so worth it."
8."My air fryer. I can literally do anything in it. Bake. Roast. Dehydrate. Airfry, obviously. Broil. I mean anything. I love it. It was fairly expensive at the time. Worth every penny."
9."Global entry, which includes TSA pre-check."
10."Tailored clothing. Growing up, I had unusual measurements and no off-the-rack clothes ever really fit me, and it greatly affected my confidence. In adulthood, I was surprised to learn just how big a difference it makes to wear clothes that actually fit you."
11."My polarized prescription sunglasses. Pricey but so worth it."
12."A bidet."
13."A good pair of shoes/boots. Don't buy cheap footwear. It won't last as long so you'll spend more money in the long run. Treat your feet well."
15."A 401k and Roth IRA."
16."My dog. Every vet bill, every toy, every trip. He saved me."
17.And finally, to sum it all up, this sage advice from someone's grandfather: "Never skimp on the things that connect you to the earth. Don't skimp on shoes, tires, and beds. Quality tires will save your life, good shoes will save your feet, and a good bed will help you sleep. I'd also throw a desk chair in that conversation."
What else do you think is well worth the money? Let us know in the comments!
Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.