Melissa George faces cruel backlash

Online trolls have slammed Melissa George after she gave an emotionally raw interview detailing allegations of domestic abuse last night.

The 40-year-old former Home and Away actress spoke in an exclusive Sunday Night segment, accusing her partner, Jean-David Blanc, of slamming her head against a metal coat rack.

RELATED: Melissa George opens up on alleged attack
RELATED: Melissa George attends court for domestic violence hearing

However instead of receiving sympathy from the public, Twitter users took to the social media site to make cruel digs at the actress.

Melissa George appeared on Sunday Night to talk about her alleged attack. Photo: Sunday Night
Melissa George appeared on Sunday Night to talk about her alleged attack. Photo: Sunday Night

“This b*tch... who do you think you are?! You're no Nicole Kidman...most ppl don't even know who u r #MelissaGeorge,” one Twitter user said.

“#MelissaGeorge wanted Oz to "shut up" now she needs our help? #domesticviolence is unacceptable. So's hypocrisy,” another person said.

“Care factor ZERO...Her arrogant attitude in the past in Australia,now she wants help?...Pfft!!! #melissaGeorge,” a Twitter user said.

George opened up in the rare candid chat with reporter Steve Pennells about an argument that broke out between her and Blanc last September, where he was allegedly on top of her, holding her arms above her head.

“I just tried to fight for myself, which made him more angry, which made me more angry and he pushed me into the door and then struck my face and I hit the wall and fell on the floor,” George told Sunday Night.

“He stood over me and said: ‘Now you’re a real actress’.

“He grabbed the back of my head and smashed it on the metal thing where you hang your coats and that’s when I scratched him and I tried to fight for my life.”

An Uber driver, who took her to a police station to report the alleged assault, picked up the bleeding actress from her home.

George claims she was left with bruising on her face, a broken inner lip and swelling to the eyes.

She also wasn’t able to move her neck and was admitted to hospital after vomiting in the police station.

Melissa said she was slammed up against a coat stand. Photo: Sunday Night
Melissa said she was slammed up against a coat stand. Photo: Sunday Night
Melissa and Jean-David were involved in an alleged altercation. Source: Getty
Melissa and Jean-David were involved in an alleged altercation. Source: Getty

The mother-of-two also said she isn’t able to leave France with her children as she is currently embroiled in a bitter custody battle.

Jean-David, who George has been with since she they met at the 2011 BAFTA awards, denies the allegations, according to French newspaper Le Parisien.

In 2012, George slammed the Australian media, claiming it stressed her out to return to her homeland.

“I don't need credibility from my country any more, I just need them all to be quiet,” George told the Sydney Morning Herald at the time.

George says she was left with bruising on her face. Photo: Sunday Night
George says she was left with bruising on her face. Photo: Sunday Night
The actress said she can't leave France as she is embroiled in a bitter custody battle there. Photo: Sunday Night
The actress said she can't leave France as she is embroiled in a bitter custody battle there. Photo: Sunday Night

“If they have nothing intelligent to say, please don't speak to me any more.

“I'd rather be having a croissant and a little espresso in Paris or walking my French bulldog in New York City.”

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