The Truth About Fish Oil


Fish oil is pressed from the fatty tissues of oily fatty fish – a day’s work for us, but a lifetime commitment for those with scales. Their oil is unique because it’s flush with omega 3 fatty acids, namely docosahexaenoic (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic (EPA). DHA is the important stuff your eyes, sperm and cerebral cortex are made of, while EPA is used by your body to fight inflammation.

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Fish oil’s power lies in its ingenious anti-inflammatory properties. New research at the University of California shows that fish oil encourages your cells to release tiny molecules in response to inflammation, telling your body to start mopping up the swelling. While a small amount of inflammation helps healing, too much of it – especially around your organs – can be a deathblow to their productivity.

To maximise fish oil’s efficacy, take it a few hours before training. Research in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that taking it before an aerobic session helped exercisers lose significantly more body fat compared with periods when they didn’t take it. In short, a run is the ideal chaser to your fish oil.

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If you’ve got a seafood allergy, then supplementing with fish oil is about as smart as taking a sleeping pill and a laxative at the same time. The Mayo Clinic also advises caution if you’re taking blood-pressure medication or have inflammatory bowel disease. Meanwhile, research at Michigan State University found that in animal studies, fish oil was linked to an increased risk of colon cancers. Even if you’re more man than mouse, it’s a wise idea to stick to the dosage on the pack.

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3 OUT OF 32
This is the proportion of fish oil brands sold in Australia and New Zealand that actually contained the amount of omega 3 they claimed. The rest had less than 67 per cent of the amount listed on the label.
Source: Scientific Reports

A study in the Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism found that when fish oil was teamed up with carnitine, free fatty acids were lowered by 29 per cent, creating the perfect environment for shedding unwanted kilos.