Ace the interview

Before a word is spoken, an interviewer will assess you and look for evidence to back up that impression, says Dr Gitte Lindgaard, of Carleton University in the US. And according to a study in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, we’re wired to respect males who display dominance.

Stand out (but don’t stick out) with just one of the following: cufflinks, a tie clip, a pocket square or an unorthodox (but never comedy) tie. A polished look helps you secure subconscious approval.

A limp handshake makes a worse impression on a potential employer than body piercings, tattoos or a crazy hair colour, according to a 2006 survey of employers by the US-based National Association of Colleges and Employers.

In contrast, a firm handshake can convey vitality, say scientists at the State University of New York, whose findings back the view that grip strength may correlate with genetic fitness. Keep your wrist and forearm horizontal for solidity, but just squeeze a little, don’t crush.

Answer impossible interview questions

Don’t worry if you feel you’re talking too little. The Australian Recruiting Group advises that you not speak for longer than two minutes at a time and never dominate the conversation. The interviewer must feel in control.

Use prompts – “Tell me about a problem your team recently faced” – so your interviewer has a chance to talk shop and you can flash your problem-solving skills.

A typical interviewer can assess integrity with high accuracy in 10 minutes, say researchers at California State University. Still, as many as 75 per cent of applicants lie, according to a 2007 Journal of Applied Psychology study.

So tell the truth and resist “image-protecting behaviours”, the study warns. Their chance of success dropped by two-thirds when applicants omitted details, distanced themselves from failures or hid embarrassing chapters. Omissions that surface later hurt double.

Interviewers may not remember your answers, but they do remember how you answered. Be specific. “They’re looking for examples that indicate how you’ll function in the future,” says Carole Martin, the author of Boost Your Interview IQ.

Come prepared with stories and examples that demonstrate leadership ability, communication skills, integrity and proven performance that you can shoehorn into any answer.