Power lunch

Your action plan

A hard and fast high-intensity workout to burn kilojoules long after you’ve caught your breath.
This workout will up your heart rate and give you the energy to get through the rest of the day.
This routine, designed by Paul Collins, the author of Belly Busters for Men, takes just 20
minutes and doesn’t require equipment.

Perform these moves in order, spending one minute on each. Rest for two minutes between each set. Repeat as often as you can in the allotted time.

Those who struggle to fit a workout into their day.

Set 1

00:01 Calf jump with arms overhead
Stand on your toes with your legs shoulder-width apart. Stretch your arms over your head and jump as if you were skipping with a rope. Repeat.

01:02 Switch split jump
From a lunge position, hands behind your head, jump and switch legs in mid-air. Fall into the next lunge and repeat immediately.

02:03 Speed side-shuffle push-up
From a push-up position, extend your left arm and leg. Bring your right arm and leg to the left so you’re back at the starting position. Shuffle back and forth.

03:04 Soft jump squat
Place a cone outside your left foot. Assume a squat position, bending your legs until your quads are parallel to the ground. Jump back and forth sideways over the cone, landing gently.

04:05 Burpees
Do a push-up. Jump into a squat position. Raise your hands and jump up, bringing your knees into your chest. Land on your toes and drop back into a squat. Kick your feet back into a push-up position. Repeat.

Two-minute break: 05:07

Set 2

07:08 Bear crawl
From a crawling position, bend your elbows and knees, your hips in the air. Crawl quickly towards a point. Then move backwards to the starting position.

08:09 Pulsing sumo squat with jump
Do two consecutive squats, holding each one for one second. Explode up out of the last squat, maintaining your form at all times. Repeat.

09:10 High knees in place
Sprint on the spot by driving your knees to your chest. If your legs are lagging, hold your hand out and try to connect your knees with your elbows.

10:11 Jump squats and star jumps
Stand with your hands behind your head. Bend your knees to lower your body until your thighs are parallel to the floor, then push up so that your feet leave the floor. Land with bent knees then do five star jumps and repeat.

11:12 Push-up with side plank
Complete one push-up, then immediately push yourself into a side plank. Align your head, neck, shoulders, core and legs. Hold for 10 seconds. Repeat on alternate sides.

Two-minute break: 12:14

Set 3

14:15 Forward distance hop
With your feet hip-width apart, jump as far forward as you can, using your arms to propel you. Land in a low squat position and immediately jump forward again.

15:16 Kangaroo hops
Stand with your legs apart and your arms out. Jump and drive your knees to your chest, using your arms to help with balance. Aim for 10-15 jumps.

16:17 Bicycle crunches
Lie on your back with your hands behind your head. Lift both legs slightly off the ground. Touch your elbow to the opposite knee, then alternate, as if you’re pedalling a bike.

17:18 Heels high
Sprint on the spot, bringing your heels right up behind you. Imagine you are kicking your own glutes.

18:19 Side shuffles
Stand with you feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees into a low squat. Shuffle left for 10 seconds, then right for 10 seconds.

One-minute break: 19:20

You can eat your lunch now.