Cara Delevingne On Fighting For Female Roles

Cara Delevingne.
Cara Delevingne.

Cara Delevingne. Photo: Getty Images.

Cara Delevingne may have only just started her acting career, but she's noticed something quite prominent already.

The 22-year old told Time Out she thinks there's a significant imbalance in the film industry - and it's something she wants to help rectify.

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"Every movie I've done I've had to fight for lines and fight for point of view," said the model. "Usually it's a male director, male producers. It's all very much a man's point of view."

Delevingne added that she's had to keep speaking up on set to make sure her characters aren't dumbed down.

"I speak up and say 'Girls don't do that.' Or 'That's not something a girl would say in that situation'", she said. "Even if I'm wrong, even if I get shut down, I know that I've done my part to get a woman's voice out there.

"It's important that when girls watch movies they've got strong female role models."

Ironically, the three best-performing films of the year are movies with women in the lead roles - and all have attracted female-dominated audiences.

Shailene Woodley's Insurgent took in $54m in the US box office, with an audience made up of 60 per cent women. For Fifty Shades of Grey the breakdown was 67 per cent female and for Cinderella - which has taken $122m in ticket sales over the past two weeks - 66 per cent of the audience were women.

In the words of Cate Blanchett, "the world is round people" - hopefully this is an issue Hollywood can no longer ignore.

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