I Just Spent The Past 15 Minutes With My Jaw On The Floor After Seeing All These Fascinating Pictures For The First Time And Now I Need You To See Them
1.These are the contestants for the 1924 Miss America pageant:
Looks like they raided the backstage at my high school drama club.
2.This is how big Earth is compared to Jupiter's Great Red Spot:
I would hesitate to call that giant thing a "spot." It's disrespectful to Big Jupey.
3.This is what the largest species of deer to ever roam the Earth, the Irish Elk, looked like compared to some humans:
That's a big ol' elk.
4.Most counterfeit money will glow under a UV light:
Some legit money will too, depending on where it's been.
5.And speaking of counterfeit money, this is what happens if you try to print out an image of a $20 bill on the internet:
Got ya!
6.This tiny little creature the size of a penny is one of the deadliest creatures on Earth:
7.This is what the inside of a 1970s spacesuit looked like:
Specially the Russian Orlan suit. Looks comfortable and not horrifying at all!
8.This is allegedly what Frank Sintra requested in his dressing room before a show:
I knew Old Blue Eyes was a tootsie roll enthusiast.
9.This is what the skeleton of a spider monkey looks like:
10.This is what a typical children's playground looked like in 1908:
This is from New York City's Tompkins Square Park. Ladders and poles, folks, get yer ladders and poles.
11.This is the 1:24 scale model of Hogwarts that was used in every Harry Potter film:
Would love to go Godzilla-mode on that.
12.This is how big a hummingbird feather is compared to a quarter:
Eency weency!
13.This is Ella Grigsby, aka Mme Abomah, the alleged tallest woman in the world during the late 19th century:
She stood 6'10" tall and was a circus staple.
14.Some hairdressers have special shoe covers to stop hair from getting all up in their business:
I need these for when it's raining.
15.This is what a polio vaccine card looked like in the early '60s:
Thank you grandma.
16.This is what a typical day of air travel over Europe looks like:
Europe: there are a lot of planes.
17.This is what a "9 out of 10 difficulty level" puzzle looks like:
My head hurts just thinking about it.
18.This is what a Hoover Dam spillway tunnel looks like. Check out the tiny, tiny walkway on top:
The spillways are there to make sure water doesn't go over the dam. The tunnel is 50 feet wide and 600 feet long and totally not the stuff of nightmares.
19.This is what a movie theater undergoing some heavy-duty seat cleaning looks like:
Think of all the treasures that the bottom of those seats hold. Magnificent.
20.This is what a suit of elephant armor looked like:
This particular set dates back to 16th-century India. If I was a soldier and saw this coming at me, I think I'd just turn around and pack it in.
21.This is Marie Curie riding in her mobile X-ray van, designed to treat wounded soldiers on the go during World War I:
Imagine rolling up to the function in the x-ray van.
22.This is what your lips look like under an electron microscope:
23.This is what Brian Shaw, four-time winner of the World's Strongest Man competition, looks like next to a couple of 200-pound bodybuilders:
24.This is how many hearing aid batteries a nursing home goes through in a month:
Forbidden Skittles.
25.The Vasa Museum in Stockholm, Sweden is home to an almost completely preserved 17th-century warship:
The ship sank in 1628 and was salvaged from Stockholm Harbor in 1961. Look how big it is!
26.This is what the Panama canal looked like while under construction:
Looks like something out of a Star War.
27.Some of the Titanic's deck chairs were salvaged from the wreck. Here's what one of them looks like:
Honestly, shoutout to chair-makers in 1912. Looks great.
28.A group of Japanese samurai visited the Great Sphinx of Giza in 1864:
They were part of a Japanese embassy to Europe. I know what you're all thinking: If only they could have been there 2,500 years earlier and helped the Pharaoh Psamtik III stop the Persian invasion of the Two Lands. SMH!
29.This is what the inside of the Statue of Liberty looks like:
Looks frigid!
30.This is President Lyndon B. Johnson driving a Amphicar, a, well, amphibious car designed to operate on land and sea:
Imagine the spiders inside that thing.
31.Before he retired from baseball, the legendary Lou Gerhig auditioned for the role of Tarzan. They made him carry and a spear and everything:
Apparently, he didn't get the job because of his "massive legs."
32.Penguins eggs are translucent after being boiled:
Also, please don't boil penguin eggs.
33.Some remotes have buttons for numbers beyond your wildest imagination:
Has science gone too far?
34.This is what velcro looks like under an electron microscope:
Would ya look at that.
35.This is what the skeleton of a pufferfish looks like:
RIP, brother.
36.This is how large the biggest seed on the planet, the double coconut seed, is:
Please do not comment on the shape of the seed. I beg of you.
37.This is how big the shell largest species of freshwater turtle to ever live, the Stupendemys, was:
That's a big ol' shell.
38.This is Louise Joy Brown, the first baby ever born after IVF, or in vitro fertilisation:
Born in 1978, she was known at the time as the world's first "test-tube baby."
39.Here's what Louise looks like today:
Shout out Louise!
40.Square fire extinguishers exist:
They're...they're beautiful.
41.The Rosetta Stone, one of the most important archeological discoveries of all time, contains hieroglyphs, demotic Egyptian script, Ancient Greek, and... this on the side:
Come on, British Army. Did you really need to do that?
42.This is a pepperbox pistol, a type of firearm that could have as many as 24 barrels:
Looney Toons lookin' pistol.
43.This is Dr. Rufus Weaver and "Harriet," the completely dissected nervous system of a woman:
I already know that room is haunted.
44.Speaking of strange guns, Saddam Hussein was the owner of a gold-plated AK-47:
Looks like something out of one of them Call Of Duties.
45.Before their destruction by the Taliban in 2001, Afghanistan was home to two enormous Buddha statues, one towering at an impressive 175 feet:
They were built over 1500 years ago.
46.Here's what that same area looks like today:
47.The original Mr. Potato Head used an ACTUAL potato:
And if you look closely, you'll see it also had DLC in the form of orange, beet, apple, and pepper.
48.This is how big the Moon is compared to Australia:
Where would you rather move: the Moon or Australia?
49.The Air Force Academy has stealth bomber shaped tortilla chips for their nachos:
USA, baby.
50.Some medieval helmets had mustaches:
History is incredible, isn't it?
51.This is a lava skylight, a hole above flowing lava that let's you gaze in and see all that red, flowy goodness:
Hell, it looks like a portal to Heck.
52.This is what the Hindenburg looked like while it was under construction:
It was absolutely enormous.
53.And this is what the dining hall looked like on board the finished zeppelin:
54.Grapes... grapes can be huge:
Imagine chompin' into that sucker. It would be amazing.
55.Penguins... HAVE KNEES!
In fact, all birds do.
56.This is what a 40 pound rubber band ball looks like:
Imagine slam dunking that thing.
57.This is an Ancient Roman pipe leading to a hot springs. It's still functional today:
And full of delicious lead.
58.Here’s a group of service dogs being “tested” on their ability to sit through an entire musical:
I hope they all pass.
59.This is what a stingray's tail looks like after an attack:
No thanks!
60.Over 80,000 people attended the 1921 heavyweight championship boxing match between Georges Carpentier and Jack Dempsey:
It was held at a place called Boyle's Thirty Acres in Jersey City, New Jersey. Dempsey won.
61.This picture, taken in 1925, is the last known photo of a Barbary lion in the wild:
Once prevalent across Northern Africa, the lion went extinct because of, you guessed it, humans.
62.Speaking of which, this is a picture of one of the last Tasmanian tigers, an animal that went extinct in 1936:
It lived, obviously, in Tasmania. Recently, there's been some talk of scientists trying to resurrect the tiger.
63.This is Maurice Tillet, a wrestler who some say the beloved character Shrek was based on:
Tillet, known as the French Angel, apparently went undefeated for 18 months in the early 1940s.
64.This is beautician Max Factor with his invention, the beauty calibrator, a device designed to show which parts of a woman's face needed more or less make-up:
65.This vehicle was the car being driven when the first ever speeding ticket was given to Walter Arnold in 1896:
He was allegedly going a whopping 8 miles-per-hour in a 4 miles-per-hour zone.
66.2025 marks the official beginning of "Gen Beta." Here's a list of every named generation going back to the 1400s:
And I bet they all hated the one that came after them, as humans always do.
67.This photo, taken by Louis Botan in 1899, is one of the first photos ever taken underwater:
The very first picture taken underwater was done some years earlier, but that was done by attaching a camera to a pole and lowering it into the water. This is the first taken by a diver also submerged.
68.One semester at Harvard cost in $170.42 in 1869:
That's about $3,900 today.
69.Speaking of the cost of things in the past, a ticket to see The Beatles in 1964 would run you about $4.90:
A little over a dollar a Beatle. Great deal.
70.This is Daniel Waldo, one of the last surviving veterans of the American Revolutionary War, pictured here in 1864:
Ah, so there's Waldo.
71.A giant barrel of olive oil costs about $1190 at Costco:
72.Stoplights, but for U-turns, exist:
I'm in awe.
73.This is a picture of German Shepherd police dogs facing the ultimate challenge: remaining perfectly still while a cat sits right in front of them:
(Ennio Morricone plays in the distance).
74.If you win a car on The Price Is Right you get a special little license plate cover:
I never knew how much I needed something I didn't have until I saw this.
75.And, finally, here are a whole bunch of knock-off Egyptian candies:
Tag yourself. I'm Kif Kaf.